import YAML from 'yaml' import chokidar from 'chokidar' import MihoYoApi from "../model/mys/mihoyo-api.js" import fs from 'node:fs' import promiseRetry from 'promise-retry'; import lodash from 'lodash' import utils from '"../model/mys/utils.js'; import gsCfg from './gsCfg.js'; import { isV3 } from '../components/Changelog.js'; const _path = process.cwd(); const plugin = "xiaoyao-cvs-plugin" const RETRY_OPTIONS = { retries: 3, minTimeout: 5000, maxTimeout: 10000 }; const nameData=["原神","崩坏3","崩坏2","未定事件簿"]; /** 配置文件 */ export default class user { constructor(e) { this.e=e; this.stokenPath=`./plugins/${plugin}/data/yaml/` this.yunPath=`./plugins/${plugin}/data/yunToken/`; this.getyunToken(this.e) } async getCkData(){ let sumData={}; await this.cookie(this.e) this.miHoYoApi = new MihoYoApi(this.e); if(this.e.yuntoken){ let yunres = await promiseRetry((retry, number) => { return this.miHoYoApi.logyunGenshen().catch((e) => { return retry(e); }); }, RETRY_OPTIONS); let yundata = if(yunres.retcode===0){ sumData["云原神"]={ "今日可获取":yundata?.coin?.coin_num, "免费时长":yundata?.free_time?.free_time, "总时长":yundata.total_time } } } if(this.e.cookies){ let mysres = await promiseRetry((retry, number) => { return this.miHoYoApi.getTasksList().catch((e) => { return retry(e); }); }, RETRY_OPTIONS); if(mysres.retcode===0){ sumData["米游社"]={ "米游币余额", "今日剩余可获取" } } } if(this.e.cookie){ for(let name of nameData){ let resSign = await promiseRetry((retry, number) => { return this.miHoYoApi.honkai3rdSignTask(name).catch((e) => { return retry(e); }); }, RETRY_OPTIONS); if(resSign?.upData){ // console.log(resSign?.upData) for(let item of resSign?.upData){ let num= lodash.random(0, 9999); item.upName=item.upName=="原神"?"ys":item.upName=="崩坏3"?"bh3":item.upName=="崩坏2"?"bh2":item.upName=="未定事件簿"?"wdy":"" sumData[item.upName+""+num]={ "uid":item.game_uid, "游戏昵称":item.nickname, "等级":item.level, "今日签到":item.is_sign?"已签到":"未签到" } } } } } return sumData; } getCookieMap(cookie) { let cookiePattern = /^(\S+)=(\S+)$/; let cookieArray = cookie.replace(/\s*/g, "").split(";"); let cookieMap = new Map(); for (let item of cookieArray) { let entry = item.split("="); if (!entry[0]) continue; cookieMap.set(entry[0], entry[1]); } return cookieMap; } getyunToken(e) { let file = `${this.yunPath}${e.user_id}.yaml` try { let ck = fs.readFileSync(file, 'utf-8') ck = YAML.parse(ck) this.e.devId = ck.devId; this.e.yuntoken = ck.yuntoken; return ck } catch (error) { return "" } } async cookie(e) { let { cookie, uid,skuid } = await this.getCookie(e); let cookiesDoc = await this.getcookiesDoc(); let miHoYoApi = new MihoYoApi(this.e); if (!cookie) { e.reply("请先#绑定cookie\n发送【体力帮助】查看配置教程") return false; } if (Object.keys((await miHoYoApi.getStoken(e.user_id))).length != 0) { return true; } if (!cookie.includes("login_ticket") && (isV3 && !skuid?.login_ticket)) { e.reply("米游社登录cookie不完整,请前往米游社通行证处重新获取cookie~\ncookies必须包含login_ticket【教程】 " + cookiesDoc) return false; } let flot = (await miHoYoApi.stoken(cookie, e)); // console.log(flot) await utils.sleepAsync(1000); //延迟加载防止文件未生成 if (!flot) { e.reply("登录失效请重新登录获取cookie发送机器人~") return false; } return true; } async getcookiesDoc() { return await gsCfg.getfileYaml(`${_path}/plugins/xiaoyao-cvs-plugin/config/`, "config").cookiesDoc } async getCookie(e) { let skuid, cookie, uid if (isV3) { skuid = await gsCfg.getBingCookie(e.user_id); cookie =; uid = skuid.item; } else { if (NoteCookie[e.user_id]) { cookie = NoteCookie[e.user_id].cookie; uid = NoteCookie[e.user_id].uid; skuid = NoteCookie[e.user_id]; } else if (BotConfig.dailyNote && BotConfig.dailyNote[e.user_id]) { cookie = BotConfig.dailyNote[e.user_id].cookie; uid = BotConfig.dailyNote[e.user_id].uid; skuid = BotConfig.NoteCookie[e.user_id]; } } this.e.uid = uid; this.e.cookie = cookie; return { cookie, uid, skuid } } }