mirror of https://github.com/ctrlcvs/xiaoyao-cvs-plugin.git synced 2025-03-10 11:35:23 +08:00
This commit is contained in:
leiyilu 2022-06-17 15:10:02 +08:00
commit 21b905c19f
9 changed files with 468 additions and 126 deletions

View File

@ -9,18 +9,7 @@ import Common from "../components/Common.js";
const require = createRequire(import.meta.url);
let cfgMap = {
"角色": "char.char",
"面板": "char.profile",
"老婆": "char.wife",
"查他人": "char.queryOther",
"图鉴": "wiki.wiki",
"图片": "wiki.pic",
"深渊": "wiki.abyss",
"渲染": "sys.scale",
"帮助": "sys.help",
let sysCfgReg = `^#喵喵设置\s*(${lodash.keys(cfgMap).join("|")})?\s*(.*)$`;
export const rule = {
updateRes: {
hashMark: true,
@ -32,16 +21,12 @@ export const rule = {
reg: "^#图鉴(强制)?更新",
describe: "【#管理】图鉴更新",
// sysCfg: {
// hashMark: true,
// reg: sysCfgReg,
// describe: "【#管理】系统设置"
// }
const _path = process.cwd();
const resPath = `${_path}/plugins/miao-plugin/resources/`;
const resPath = `${_path}/plugins/cvs-plugin/resources/`;
const plusPath = `${resPath}/res-plus/`;
const checkAuth = async function (e) {
@ -51,54 +36,6 @@ const checkAuth = async function (e) {
export async function sysCfg(e, { render }) {
if (!await checkAuth(e)) {
return true;
let cfgReg = new RegExp(sysCfgReg);
let regRet = cfgReg.exec(e.msg);
if (!regRet) {
return true;
if (regRet[1]) {
// 设置模式
let val = regRet[2] || "";
let cfgKey = cfgMap[regRet[1]];
if (cfgKey === "sys.scale") {
val = Math.min(200, Math.max(50, val * 1 || 100));
} else {
val = !/关闭/.test(val);
if (cfgKey) {
Cfg.set(cfgKey, val);
let cfg = {
chars: getStatus("char.char"),
profile: getStatus("char.profile"),
wife: getStatus("char.wife"),
other: getStatus("char.queryOther"),
wiki: getStatus("wiki.wiki"),
pic: getStatus("wiki.pic"),
abyss: getStatus("wiki.abyss"),
imgPlus: fs.existsSync(plusPath),
help: getStatus("sys.help", false),
scale: Cfg.get("sys.scale", 100)
return await Common.render("admin/index", {
}, { e, render, scale: 1.4 });
const getStatus = function (rote, def = true) {
if (Cfg.get(rote, def)) {
return `<div class="cfg-status" >已开启</div>`;
@ -113,10 +50,10 @@ export async function updateRes(e) {
return true;
let command = "";
if (fs.existsSync(`${resPath}/miao-res-plus/`)) {
if (fs.existsSync(`${resPath}/res-plus/`)) {
command = `git pull`;
exec(command, { cwd: `${resPath}/miao-res-plus/` }, function (error, stdout, stderr) {
exec(command, { cwd: `${resPath}/res-plus/` }, function (error, stdout, stderr) {
if (/Already up to date/.test(stdout)) {
@ -134,7 +71,7 @@ export async function updateRes(e) {
} else {
command = `git clone https://gitee.com/yoimiya-kokomi/miao-res-plus.git "${resPath}/miao-res-plus/"`;
command = `git clone https://gitee.com/leiyilu/image.git "${resPath}/res-plus/"`;
exec(command, function (error, stdout, stderr) {
if (error) {
@ -161,7 +98,7 @@ export async function updateMiaoPlugin(e) {
} else {
exec(command, { cwd: `${_path}/plugins/miao-plugin/` }, function (error, stdout, stderr) {
exec(command, { cwd: `${_path}/plugins/cvs-plugin/` }, function (error, stdout, stderr) {
if (/Already up to date/.test(stdout)) {

apps/xiaoyao_image.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
import {
} from "oicq";
import fs from "fs";
import path from 'path';
const _path = process.cwd();
const __dirname = path.resolve();
export async function roleInfo(e) {
// let msg=e.msg.replace(/#|图鉴/g,"");
let msg = e.msg.replace(/#||信息|图鉴|命座|天赋|突破/g, "");
let id = YunzaiApps.mysInfo.roleIdToName(msg);
let name;
if (["10000005", "10000007", "20000000"].includes(id)) {
if (!["风主", "岩主", "雷主"].includes(msg)) {
return true;
name = msg;
} else {
name = YunzaiApps.mysInfo.roleIdToName(id, true);
if (!name) return false;
return true;
const send_Msg=function(e,type,name){
let path = `${_path}/plugins/cvs-plugin/resources/res-plus/${type}/${name}.png`
if (!fs.existsSync(path)) {
return true;
let weapon = new Map();
let weaponFile = [];
await init();
export async function init(isUpdate = false) {
let weaponJson = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("./config/genshin/weapon.json", "utf8"));
for (let i in weaponJson) {
for (let val of weaponJson[i]) {
weapon.set(val, i);
weaponFile = fs.readdirSync("./resources/weaponInfo_xiaoyao");
for (let val of weaponFile) {
let name = val.replace(".png", "");
weapon.set(name, name);
export async function weaponInfo(e) {
let msg = e.msg || '';
msg = "#" + msg.replace("#", "");
if(!/(#*(.*)(信息|图鉴|突破)|#(.*))$/.test(msg)) return;
let name = weapon.get(msg.replace(/#||信息|图鉴|突破/g, ""));
if (name) {
Bot.logger.mark(`[${e.group_name}] ${e.msg}:weaponInfo`);
let path = `${_path}/resources/weaponInfo_xiaoyao/${name}.png`
if (!fs.existsSync(path)) {
return true;
return true;
return false;

components/Cfg.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
import fs from "fs";
import lodash from "lodash";
const _path = process.cwd();
const _cfgPath = `${_path}/plugins/miao-plugin/components/`;
let cfg = {};
try {
if (fs.existsSync(_cfgPath + "cfg.json")) {
cfg = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(_cfgPath + "cfg.json", "utf8")) || {};
} catch (e) {
// do nth
let Cfg = {
get(rote, def = '') {
return lodash.get(cfg, rote, def);
set(rote, val) {
lodash.set(cfg, rote, val);
fs.writeFileSync(_cfgPath + "cfg.json", JSON.stringify(cfg, null, "\t"));
scale(pct = 1) {
let scale = Cfg.get("sys.scale", 100);
scale = Math.min(2, Math.max(0.5, scale / 100));
pct = pct * scale;
return `style=transform:scale(${pct})`;
isDisable(e, rote) {
if (Cfg.get(rote, true)) {
return false;
if (/^#*喵喵/.test(e.msg || "")) {
return false;
return true;
export default Cfg;

components/Changelog.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
import fs from "fs";
import lodash from "lodash";
const _path = process.cwd();
const _logPath = `${_path}/plugins/miao-plugin/CHANGELOG.md`;
let logs = {};
let changelogs = [];
let currentVersion;
let versionCount = 4;
let packageJson = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("package.json", "utf8"));
const getLine = function (line) {
line = line.replace(/(^\s*\*|\r)/g, '');
line = line.replace(/\s*`([^`]+`)/g, '<span class="cmd">$1');
line = line.replace(/`\s*/g, '</span>');
line = line.replace(/ⁿᵉʷ/g, '<span class="new"></span>');
return line;
try {
if (fs.existsSync(_logPath)) {
logs = fs.readFileSync(_logPath, "utf8") || "";
logs = logs.split("\n");
let temp = {}, lastLine = {};
lodash.forEach(logs, (line) => {
if (versionCount <= -1) {
return false;
let versionRet = /^#\s*([0-9\\.~\s]+?)\s*$/.exec(line);
if (versionRet && versionRet[1]) {
let v = versionRet[1].trim();
if (!currentVersion) {
currentVersion = v;
} else {
if (/0\s*$/.test(v) && versionCount > 0) {
versionCount = 0;
} else {
temp = {
version: v,
logs: []
} else {
if (!line.trim()) {
if (/^\*/.test(line)) {
lastLine = {
title: getLine(line),
logs: []
} else if (/^\s{3,}\*/.test(line)) {
} catch (e) {
// do nth
const yunzaiVersion = packageJson.version;
export { currentVersion, yunzaiVersion, changelogs };

components/Common.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
import { Cfg } from "./index.js";
import { segment } from "oicq";
import { currentVersion, yunzaiVersion } from "./Changelog.js";
export const render = async function (path, params, cfg) {
let paths = path.split("/");
let { render, e } = cfg;
let _layout_path = process.cwd() + "/plugins/miao-plugin/resources/common/layout/";
let base64 = await render(paths[0], paths[1], {
defaultLayout: _layout_path + "default.html",
elemLayout: _layout_path + "elem.html",
sys: {
scale: Cfg.scale(cfg.scale || 1),
copyright: `Created By Yunzai-Bot<span class="version">${yunzaiVersion}</span> & Miao-Plugin<span class="version">${currentVersion}</span>`
if (base64) {
return true;
export default {
cfg: Cfg.get,
isDisable: Cfg.isDisable

components/Data.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
import lodash from "lodash";
import fs from "fs";
import request from "request";
let Data = {
* 根据指定的path依次检查与创建目录
* */
createDir(rootPath = "", path = "", includeFile = false) {
let pathList = path.split("/"),
nowPath = rootPath;
pathList.forEach((name, idx) => {
name = name.trim();
if (!includeFile && idx <= pathList.length - 1) {
nowPath += name + "/";
if (name) {
if (!fs.existsSync(nowPath)) {
* 读取json
* */
readJSON(root, path) {
if (!/\.json$/.test(path)) {
path = path + ".json";
// 检查并创建目录
Data.createDir(root, path, true);
if (fs.existsSync(`${root}/${path}`)) {
let jsonRet = fs.readFileSync(`${root}/${path}`, "utf8");
return JSON.parse(jsonRet);
return {}
* */
writeJson(path, file, data, space = "\t") {
if (!/\.json$/.test(file)) {
file = file + ".json";
// 检查并创建目录
Data.createDir(path, true);
return fs.writeFileSync(`${path}/${file}`, JSON.stringify(data, null, space));
* 返回一个从 target 中选中的属性的对象
* keyList : 获取字段列表逗号分割字符串
* key1, key2, toKey1:fromKey1, toKey2:fromObj.key
* defaultData: 当某个字段为空时会选取defaultData的对应内容
* toKeyPrefix返回数据的字段前缀默认为空defaultData中的键值无需包含toKeyPrefix
* */
getData(target, keyList = "", cfg = {}) {
target = target || {};
let defaultData = cfg.defaultData || {};
let ret = {};
// 分割逗号
if (typeof (keyList) === "string") {
keyList = keyList.split(",");
lodash.forEach(keyList, (keyCfg) => {
// 处理通过:指定 toKey & fromKey
let _keyCfg = keyCfg.split(":");
let keyTo = _keyCfg[0].trim(),
keyFrom = (_keyCfg[1] || _keyCfg[0]).trim(),
keyRet = keyTo;
if (cfg.lowerFirstKey) {
keyRet = lodash.lowerFirst(keyRet);
if (cfg.keyPrefix) {
keyRet = cfg.keyPrefix + keyRet;
// 通过Data.getVal获取数据
ret[keyRet] = Data.getVal(target, keyFrom, defaultData[keyTo], cfg);
return ret;
getVal(target, keyFrom, defaultValue) {
return lodash.get(target, keyFrom, defaultValue);
getUrlPath(url) {
let reg = /^https*:\/\/(.*)\/(\w+\.(png|jpg|jpeg|webp))(\?.*)?$/;
let ret = reg.exec(url);
if (!ret) {
return false;
return {
path: ret[1],
filename: ret[2],
type: ret[3],
pathExists(root, path) {
if (fs.existsSync(root + "/" + path)) {
return true;
path = path.replace("\\", "/");
const dirList = path.split("/");
let currentDir = root;
for (let dir of dirList) {
currentDir = currentDir + "/" + dir;
if (!fs.existsSync(currentDir)) {
return true;
async asyncPool(poolLimit, array, iteratorFn) {
const ret = []; // 存储所有的异步任务
const executing = []; // 存储正在执行的异步任务
for (const item of array) {
// 调用iteratorFn函数创建异步任务
const p = Promise.resolve().then(() => iteratorFn(item, array));
// 保存新的异步任务
// 当poolLimit值小于或等于总任务个数时进行并发控制
if (poolLimit <= array.length) {
// 当任务完成后,从正在执行的任务数组中移除已完成的任务
const e = p.then(() => executing.splice(executing.indexOf(e), 1));
executing.push(e); // 保存正在执行的异步任务
if (executing.length >= poolLimit) {
// 等待较快的任务执行完成
await Promise.race(executing);
return Promise.all(ret);
async cacheFile(fileList, cacheRoot) {
let ret = {};
let cacheFn = async function (url) {
let path = Data.getUrlPath(url);
if (fs.existsSync(`${cacheRoot}/${path.path}/${path.filename}`)) {
console.log("已存在,跳过 " + path.path + "/" + path.filename);
ret[url] = `${path.path}/${path.filename}`;
return true;
Data.pathExists(cacheRoot, path.path);
await request(url).pipe(fs.createWriteStream(`${cacheRoot}/${path.path}/` + path.filename));
console.log("下载成功: " + path.path + "/" + path.filname);
ret[url] = `${path.path}/${path.filename}`;
return true;
await Data.asyncPool(10, fileList, cacheFn);
return ret;
sleep(ms) {
return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
export default Data;

components/cfg.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
"sys": {
"help": true

components/index.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
import Data from "./Data.js";
import Cfg from "./Cfg.js";
export { Data, Cfg }

View File

@ -1,63 +1,51 @@
// import {
// character,
// getProfile,
// wife,
// wifeReg,
// enemyLv,
// getArtis,
// getProfileAll,
// profileHelp
// } from "./apps/character.js";
// import { consStat, abyssPct, abyssTeam } from "./apps/stat.js";
// import { wiki, calendar } from "./apps/wiki.js";
// import { help, versionInfo } from "./apps/help.js";
// import lodash from "lodash";
// import common from "../../lib/common.js";
// import { rule as adminRule, updateRes, sysCfg, updateMiaoPlugin } from "./apps/admin.js";
// import { currentVersion } from "./components/Changelog.js";
// export {
// character,
// wife,
// consStat,
// abyssPct,
// abyssTeam,
// wiki,
// updateRes,
// updateMiaoPlugin,
// sysCfg,
// help,
// versionInfo,
// getProfile,
// enemyLv,
// getArtis,
// getProfileAll,
// profileHelp,
// calendar
// };
import lodash from "lodash";
import {
} from "./apps/xiaoyao_image.js"
import {
rule as adminRule,
} from "./apps/admin.js";
export {
// let rule = {
// versionInfo: {
// reg: "^#图鉴版本$",
// describe: "【#帮助】 喵喵版本介绍",
// },
// calendar: {
// reg: "^#图鉴列表$",
// describe: "【#日历】 活动日历",
// },
// ...adminRule
// };
let rule = {
versionInfo: {
reg: "^#图鉴版本$",
describe: "【#帮助】 喵喵版本介绍",
calendar: {
reg: "^#图鉴列表$",
describe: "【#日历】 活动日历",
roleInfo: {
reg: "#*(.*)(信息|图鉴|命座|天赋|突破|材料|素材)$", //匹配消息正则,命令正则
priority: 900, //优先级,越小优先度越高
describe: "【刻晴信息、刻晴图鉴、刻晴突破、刻晴命座】角色信息图鉴", //【命令】功能说明
weaponInfo: {
reg: "", //匹配消息正则,命令正则
priority: 900, //优先级,越小优先度越高
describe: "【刻晴信息、刻晴图鉴、刻晴突破、刻晴命座】角色信息图鉴", //【命令】功能说明
// lodash.forEach(rule, (r) => {
// r.priority = r.priority || 50;
// r.prehash = true;
// r.hashMark = true;
// });
lodash.forEach(rule, (r) => {
r.priority = r.priority || 50;
r.prehash = true;
r.hashMark = true;
// export { rule };
export {
// console.log(`图鉴${currentVersion}初始化~`);
// setTimeout(async function () {
// let msgStr = await redis.get("miao:restart-msg");
@ -68,4 +56,4 @@
// let msgs = [`当前版本: ${currentVersion}`, `您可使用 #版本 命令查看更新信息`];
// await common.relpyPrivate(msg.qq, msgs.join("\n"));
// }
// }, 1000);
// }, 1000);