diff --git a/resources/Atlas_alias/Atlas_list.yaml b/resources/Atlas_alias/Atlas_list.yaml index 258c1df..9e7a3bb 100644 --- a/resources/Atlas_alias/Atlas_list.yaml +++ b/resources/Atlas_alias/Atlas_list.yaml @@ -77,6 +77,7 @@ - "#辛焱图鉴" - "#烟绯图鉴" 稻妻角色图鉴|稻妻人物图鉴|稻妻英雄图鉴: + - "#梦见月瑞希图鉴" - "#千织图鉴" - "#绮良良图鉴" - "#鹿野院平藏图鉴" @@ -142,6 +143,7 @@ - "#风主图鉴" - "#埃洛伊图鉴" 五星角色图鉴|五星人物图鉴|五星英雄图鉴: + - "#梦见月瑞希图鉴" - "#茜特菈莉图鉴" - "#玛薇卡图鉴" - "#恰斯卡图鉴" @@ -242,6 +244,7 @@ - "#辛焱图鉴" - "#烟绯图鉴" 风系角色图鉴|风系人物图鉴|风系英雄图鉴: + - "#梦见月瑞希图鉴" - "#蓝砚图鉴" - "#恰斯卡图鉴" - "#闲云图鉴" @@ -429,6 +432,7 @@ - "#罗莎莉亚图鉴" - "#香菱图鉴" 法器角色图鉴|法器人物图鉴|法器英雄图鉴: + - "#梦见月瑞希图鉴" - "#蓝砚图鉴" - "#茜特菈莉图鉴" - "#玛拉妮图鉴" @@ -485,6 +489,7 @@ - "#纪行武器图鉴" - "#活动武器图鉴" 五星武器图鉴|5星武器图鉴: + - "#寝正月初晴图鉴" - "#祭星者之望图鉴" - "#焚曜千阳图鉴" - "#星鹫赤羽图鉴" @@ -540,6 +545,7 @@ - "#斫峰之刃图鉴" - "#磐岩结绿图鉴" 四星武器图鉴|4星武器图鉴: + - "#且住亭御咄图鉴" - "#厄水之祸图鉴" - "#缀花之翎图鉴" - "#乘浪的回旋图鉴" @@ -825,6 +831,7 @@ - "#历练的猎弓图鉴" - "#猎弓图鉴" 长柄武器图鉴|长武器图鉴: + - "#且住亭御咄图鉴" - "#镇山之钉图鉴" - "#虹的行迹图鉴" - "#柔灯挽歌图鉴" @@ -860,6 +867,7 @@ - "#铁尖枪图鉴" - "#新手长枪图鉴" 法器武器图鉴|法器图鉴: + - "#寝正月初晴图鉴" - "#祭星者之望图鉴" - "#乘浪的回旋图鉴" - "#冲浪时光图鉴" @@ -1091,6 +1099,7 @@ - "#神射手之誓图鉴" - "#信使图鉴" 元素精通武器图鉴|精通器图鉴: + - "#寝正月初晴图鉴" - "#祭星者之望图鉴" - "#碎链图鉴" - "#筑云图鉴" @@ -1130,6 +1139,7 @@ - "#暗铁剑图鉴" - "#翡玉法球图鉴" 元素充能武器图鉴|充能器图鉴: + - "#且住亭御咄图鉴" - "#乘浪的回旋图鉴" - "#镇山之钉图鉴" - "#究极霸王超级魔剑图鉴" @@ -1229,6 +1239,8 @@ - "#流浪乐章图鉴" - "#万国诸海图谱图鉴" 祈愿武器图鉴|抽卡武器图鉴|抽奖武器图鉴|抽卡武器图鉴|原石武器图鉴: + - "#寝正月初晴图鉴" + - "#且住亭御咄图鉴" - "#祭星者之望图鉴" - "#焚曜千阳图鉴" - "#星鹫赤羽图鉴" @@ -1472,6 +1484,8 @@ - "#远程原魔图鉴" - "#混合原魔图鉴" BOSS图鉴|boss图鉴|Boss图鉴|周本图鉴|周常图鉴|世界boss图鉴: + - "#蚀灭的源焰之主图鉴" + - "#灵觉隐修的迷者图鉴" - "#深邃摹结株图鉴" - "#秘源机兵·构型械图鉴" - "#贪食匿叶龙山王图鉴" @@ -1611,16 +1625,16 @@ BOSS图鉴|boss图鉴|Boss图鉴|周本图鉴|周常图鉴|世界boss图鉴: - "#水深渊法师图鉴" - "#木盾丘丘暴徒图鉴" 普通敌人图鉴|普通原魔图鉴: - - "#结羽勇士·腾空士图鉴" - - "#结羽勇士·削羽人图鉴" - - "#灵觉勇士·执意师图鉴" - - "#灵觉勇士·控念师图鉴" - - "#灵觉勇士·冥思者图鉴" - - "#结羽勇士·驭空客图鉴" - - "#幼绒翼龙图鉴" - - "#绒翼龙图鉴" - "#幼暝视龙图鉴" - "#暝视龙图鉴" + - "#幼绒翼龙图鉴" + - "#绒翼龙图鉴" + - "#结羽勇士·腾空士图鉴" + - "#灵觉勇士·冥思者图鉴" + - "#结羽勇士·驭空客图鉴" + - "#结羽勇士·削羽人图鉴" + - "#灵觉勇士·控念师图鉴" + - "#灵觉勇士·执意师图鉴" - "#地方传奇·暝视龙图鉴" - "#地方传奇·暝视龙武士·冰晶炮手图鉴" - "#地方传奇·绒翼龙武士·膛星之锤图鉴" @@ -1772,10 +1786,16 @@ BOSS图鉴|boss图鉴|Boss图鉴|周本图鉴|周常图鉴|世界boss图鉴: - "#冲锋丘丘人图鉴" - "#爆弹丘丘人图鉴" 火属性原魔图鉴|火属性敌人图鉴: + - "#蚀灭的源焰之主图鉴" + - "#幼绒翼龙图鉴" + - "#绒翼龙图鉴" + - "#结羽勇士·腾空士图鉴" + - "#结羽勇士·驭空客图鉴" + - "#结羽勇士·削羽人图鉴" - "#地方传奇·暝视龙武士·冰晶炮手图鉴" + - "#地方传奇·绒翼龙武士·膛星之锤图鉴" - "#地方传奇·焚燃·大灵显化身图鉴" - "#焚燃·大灵显化身图鉴" - - "#地方传奇·绒翼龙武士·膛星之锤图鉴" - "#绒翼龙武士·膛星之锤图鉴" - "#绒翼龙武士·长空明焰图鉴" - "#秘源机兵·构型械图鉴" @@ -1823,8 +1843,15 @@ BOSS图鉴|boss图鉴|Boss图鉴|周本图鉴|周常图鉴|世界boss图鉴: - "#愚人众·火之债务处理人图鉴" - "#火深渊法师图鉴" 水属性原魔图鉴|水属性敌人图鉴: - - "#地方传奇·溯流·大灵显化身图鉴" + - "#流刃勇士·游击人图鉴" + - "#鳍游龙图鉴" + - "#流刃勇士·锯脂者图鉴" + - "#流刃勇士·掷叉猎手图鉴" + - "#幼鳍游龙图鉴" + - "#地方传奇·凛冽·大灵显化身图鉴" - "#鳍游龙武士·裂礁之涛图鉴" + - "#地方传奇·溯流·大灵显化身图鉴" + - "#地方传奇·愚人众先遣队·冰铳重卫士图鉴" - "#地方传奇·鳍游龙武士·穿浪之梭图鉴" - "#鳍游龙武士·穿浪之梭图鉴" - "#地方传奇·深海龙蜥图鉴" @@ -1946,6 +1973,12 @@ BOSS图鉴|boss图鉴|Boss图鉴|周本图鉴|周常图鉴|世界boss图鉴: - "#无相之雷图鉴" - "#愚人众·雷萤术士图鉴" 冰属性原魔图鉴|冰属性敌人图鉴: + - "#灵觉隐修的迷者图鉴" + - "#暝视龙图鉴" + - "#幼暝视龙图鉴" + - "#灵觉勇士·冥思者图鉴" + - "#灵觉勇士·控念师图鉴" + - "#灵觉勇士·执意师图鉴" - "#地方传奇·暝视龙图鉴" - "#地方传奇·暝视龙武士·冰晶炮手图鉴" - "#地方传奇·凛冽·大灵显化身图鉴" @@ -1993,6 +2026,11 @@ BOSS图鉴|boss图鉴|Boss图鉴|周本图鉴|周常图鉴|世界boss图鉴: - "#北风的王狼奔狼的领主图鉴" - "#冰深渊法师图鉴" 岩属性原魔图鉴|岩属性敌人图鉴: + - "#幼嵴锋龙图鉴" + - "#嵴锋龙图鉴" + - "#铸砂勇士·叩问人图鉴" + - "#铸砂勇士·碎盾者图鉴" + - "#铸砂勇士·投矛手图鉴" - "#地方传奇·窟岩·大灵显化身图鉴" - "#熔岩游像·蚀土者图鉴" - "#窟岩·大灵显化身图鉴" @@ -2026,21 +2064,11 @@ BOSS图鉴|boss图鉴|Boss图鉴|周本图鉴|周常图鉴|世界boss图鉴: - "#无相之岩图鉴" - "#岩盾丘丘暴徒图鉴" 草属性原魔图鉴|草属性敌人图鉴: - - "#幼嵴锋龙图鉴" - "#疾迅勇士·重刃讯使图鉴" - - "#流刃勇士·游击人图鉴" - "#匿叶龙图鉴" - - "#鳍游龙图鉴" - - "#嵴锋龙图鉴" - "#幼匿叶龙图鉴" - - "#铸砂勇士·叩问人图鉴" - - "#流刃勇士·锯脂者图鉴" - "#疾迅勇士·荡风斥候图鉴" - - "#铸砂勇士·碎盾者图鉴" - "#疾迅勇士·引索客图鉴" - - "#流刃勇士·掷叉猎手图鉴" - - "#幼鳍游龙图鉴" - - "#铸砂勇士·投矛手图鉴" - "#地方传奇·疾叶·大灵显化身图鉴" - "#匿叶龙武士·旋锯飞叶图鉴" - "#疾叶·大灵显化身图鉴" @@ -2065,7 +2093,7 @@ BOSS图鉴|boss图鉴|Boss图鉴|周本图鉴|周常图鉴|世界boss图鉴: - "#木盾丘丘暴徒图鉴" 无属性原魔图鉴|无属性敌人图鉴: - "#地方传奇·遗迹龙兽·地巡图鉴" - - "#深邃拟覆叶图鉴" + - "#深邃摹结株图鉴" - "#深邃拟覆叶图鉴" - "#地方传奇·豚兽图鉴" - "#地方传奇·盗宝团·拳术师图鉴" @@ -2105,6 +2133,12 @@ BOSS图鉴|boss图鉴|Boss图鉴|周本图鉴|周常图鉴|世界boss图鉴: - "#遗迹守卫图鉴" - "#遗迹猎者图鉴" 近战原魔图鉴|近战敌人图鉴: + - "#结羽勇士·腾空士图鉴" + - "#灵觉勇士·冥思者图鉴" + - "#结羽勇士·驭空客图鉴" + - "#结羽勇士·削羽人图鉴" + - "#灵觉勇士·控念师图鉴" + - "#灵觉勇士·执意师图鉴" - "#幼嵴锋龙图鉴" - "#幼匿叶龙图鉴" - "#地方传奇·盗宝团·拳术师图鉴" @@ -2157,6 +2191,8 @@ BOSS图鉴|boss图鉴|Boss图鉴|周本图鉴|周常图鉴|世界boss图鉴: - "#冲锋丘丘人图鉴" - "#愚人众·火之债务处理人图鉴" 远程原魔图鉴|远程敌人图鉴: + - "#暝视龙图鉴" + - "#幼暝视龙图鉴" - "#幼鳍游龙图鉴" - "#地方传奇·愚人众·风役人图鉴" - "#地方传奇·帽子水母图鉴" @@ -2210,6 +2246,10 @@ BOSS图鉴|boss图鉴|Boss图鉴|周本图鉴|周常图鉴|世界boss图鉴: - "#冰深渊法师图鉴" - "#水深渊法师图鉴" 混合原魔图鉴|混合敌人图鉴: + - "#蚀灭的源焰之主图鉴" + - "#灵觉隐修的迷者图鉴" + - "#幼绒翼龙图鉴" + - "#绒翼龙图鉴" - "#地方传奇·暝视龙图鉴" - "#地方传奇·暝视龙武士·冰晶炮手图鉴" - "#地方传奇·凛冽·大灵显化身图鉴" @@ -2465,6 +2505,7 @@ BOSS图鉴|boss图鉴|Boss图鉴|周本图鉴|周常图鉴|世界boss图鉴: - "#特殊食物图鉴" - "#应急食品图鉴" 回复类食物图鉴|回复类料理图鉴: + - "#肉满满寿司图鉴" - "#粒果肉汤图鉴" - "#薄荷酱烤鱼图鉴" - "#夹心土豆泥图鉴" @@ -2572,6 +2613,7 @@ BOSS图鉴|boss图鉴|Boss图鉴|周本图鉴|周常图鉴|世界boss图鉴: - "#庄园烤松饼图鉴" - "#蟹黄火腿焗时蔬图鉴" 体力类食物图鉴|体力类料理图鉴: + - "#清心花饼图鉴" - "#山与海与天空图鉴" - "#串烤牛心图鉴" - "#兽肉旋风图鉴" @@ -2675,6 +2717,7 @@ BOSS图鉴|boss图鉴|Boss图鉴|周本图鉴|周常图鉴|世界boss图鉴: - "#珍珠翡翠白玉汤图鉴" - "#嘟嘟莲海鲜羹图鉴" 暴击类食物图鉴|暴击类料理图鉴: + - "#炎岩之颂图鉴" - "#强水图鉴" - "#火焰炖肉图鉴" - "#繁弦急管图鉴" @@ -2786,6 +2829,12 @@ BOSS图鉴|boss图鉴|Boss图鉴|周本图鉴|周常图鉴|世界boss图鉴: - "#风之寻宝罗盘图鉴" - "#四方八方之网图鉴" - "#星间之泪图鉴" + - "#长犀圆鸟和扁鱼图鉴" + - "#黑曜古名图鉴" + - "#圣夜旅织图鉴" + - "#千音雅集图鉴" + - "#聚聚鼓图鉴" + - "#悠可琴图鉴" - "#铭随流镜图鉴" - "#长犀圆鸟图鉴" - "#初诞灵焰图鉴" @@ -2865,6 +2914,8 @@ BOSS图鉴|boss图鉴|Boss图鉴|周本图鉴|周常图鉴|世界boss图鉴: - "#七圣特技图鉴" - "#七圣其他图鉴" 七圣角色图鉴|七圣召唤角色图鉴: + - "#七圣玛拉妮图鉴" + - "#七圣克洛琳德图鉴" - "#七圣罗莎莉亚图鉴" - "#七圣黄金王兽图鉴" - "#七圣希格雯图鉴" @@ -3013,6 +3064,7 @@ BOSS图鉴|boss图鉴|Boss图鉴|周本图鉴|周常图鉴|世界boss图鉴: - "#七圣祭礼残章图鉴" - "#七圣魔导绪论图鉴" 七圣圣遗物图鉴|七圣召唤圣遗物图鉴: + - "#七圣魔战士的羽面图鉴" - "#七圣少女易逝的芳颜图鉴" - "#七圣指挥的礼帽图鉴" - "#七圣角斗士的凯旋图鉴" @@ -3059,6 +3111,8 @@ BOSS图鉴|boss图鉴|Boss图鉴|周本图鉴|周常图鉴|世界boss图鉴: - "#七圣幸运儿银冠图鉴" - "#七圣冒险家头带图鉴" 七圣天赋图鉴|七圣召唤天赋图鉴: + - "#七圣破夜的明焰图鉴" + - "#七圣夜域赐礼·波涛顶底图鉴" - "#七圣应当有适当的休憩图鉴" - "#七圣异兽侵蚀图鉴" - "#七圣代行裁判图鉴" @@ -3162,6 +3216,7 @@ BOSS图鉴|boss图鉴|Boss图鉴|周本图鉴|周常图鉴|世界boss图鉴: - "#七圣重铸·岩盔图鉴" - "#七圣孢子增殖图鉴" 七圣料理图鉴|七圣召唤料理图鉴: + - "#七圣咚咚嘭嘭图鉴" - "#七圣宝石闪闪图鉴" - "#七圣龙龙饼干图鉴" - "#七圣缤纷马卡龙图鉴" @@ -3218,6 +3273,8 @@ BOSS图鉴|boss图鉴|Boss图鉴|周本图鉴|周常图鉴|世界boss图鉴: - "#七圣提米图鉴" - "#七圣派蒙图鉴" 七圣场地图鉴|七圣召唤场地图鉴: + - "#七圣斗争之火图鉴" + - "#七圣流泉之众图鉴" - "#七圣悬木人图鉴" - "#七圣特佩利舞台图鉴" - "#七圣圣火竞技场图鉴" @@ -3258,6 +3315,7 @@ BOSS图鉴|boss图鉴|Boss图鉴|周本图鉴|周常图鉴|世界boss图鉴: - "#七圣粉碎之冰图鉴" - "#七圣交织之冰图鉴" 七圣秘传图鉴|七圣召唤秘传图鉴: + - "#七圣归火圣夜巡礼图鉴" - "#七圣赦免宣告图鉴" - "#七圣旧日鏖战图鉴" - "#七圣抗争之日·碎梦之时图鉴" @@ -3268,6 +3326,8 @@ BOSS图鉴|boss图鉴|Boss图鉴|周本图鉴|周常图鉴|世界boss图鉴: - "#七圣旧时庭园图鉴" - "#七圣磐岩盟契图鉴" 七圣特技图鉴|七圣召唤特技图鉴: + - "#七圣咬咬鲨鱼图鉴" + - "#七圣绒翼龙图鉴" - "#七圣暝视龙图鉴" - "#七圣嵴锋龙图鉴" - "#七圣竹星图鉴" @@ -3278,6 +3338,7 @@ BOSS图鉴|boss图鉴|Boss图鉴|周本图鉴|周常图鉴|世界boss图鉴: - "#七圣匿叶龙图鉴" - "#七圣异色猎刀鳐图鉴" 七圣其他图鉴|七圣召唤其他图鉴: + - "#七圣燃素充盈图鉴" - "#七圣强劲冲浪拍档!图鉴" - "#七圣激愈水球·小图鉴" - "#七圣激愈水球·中图鉴" diff --git a/resources/Atlas_alias/Basic_Event.yaml b/resources/Atlas_alias/Basic_Event.yaml index 9cbd050..6c86c53 100644 --- a/resources/Atlas_alias/Basic_Event.yaml +++ b/resources/Atlas_alias/Basic_Event.yaml @@ -1,4 +1,8 @@ 场地: + - 斗争之火: + - 斗争火 + - 流泉之众: + - 流泉众 - 悬木人: - 悬木人 - 特佩利舞台: @@ -154,6 +158,9 @@ - 神之嘴 - 应急食品 料理: + - 咚咚嘭嘭: + - 咚咚 + - 嘭嘭 - 宝石闪闪: - 宝石 - 闪闪 @@ -196,6 +203,9 @@ - 仙跳墙: - 佛跳墙 其他: + - 燃素充盈: + - 燃素 + - 充盈 - 强劲冲浪拍档!: - 强劲 - 冲浪 @@ -369,6 +379,10 @@ - 诸武精通: - 武器精通 圣遗物: + - 魔战士的羽面: + - 魔战士羽面 + - 魔战士 + - 羽面 - 少女易逝的芳颜: - 易逝的芳颜 - 易逝 @@ -530,6 +544,10 @@ - 交织之风 - 交织风 秘传: + - 归火圣夜巡礼: + - 归火 + - 圣夜 + - 巡礼 - 赦免宣告: - 赦免 - 宣告 @@ -556,6 +574,10 @@ - 磐岩盟契: - 盟契 特技: + - 咬咬鲨鱼: + - 咬咬鲨鱼 + - 绒翼龙: + - 绒翼龙 - 暝视龙: - 冥视龙 - 嵴锋龙: @@ -578,6 +600,13 @@ - 异色猎刀鳐: - 猎刀鳐 天赋: + - 破夜的明焰: + - 破夜 + - 明焰 + - 夜域赐礼·波涛顶底: + - 波涛顶底 + - 波涛 + - 顶底 - 应当有适当的休憩: - 适当的休憩 - 适当的休息 diff --git a/resources/Atlas_alias/daoju_tujian.yaml b/resources/Atlas_alias/daoju_tujian.yaml index 99dd00a..655c2b5 100644 --- a/resources/Atlas_alias/daoju_tujian.yaml +++ b/resources/Atlas_alias/daoju_tujian.yaml @@ -44,16 +44,32 @@ 星间之泪: - 鲸鱼的泪 - 鲸鱼泪 +长犀圆鸟和扁鱼: + - 长犀 + - 圆鸟 + - 扁鱼 + - 纳塔钓竿 + - 纳塔鱼竿 + - 纳塔钓鱼竿 +黑曜古名: + - 古茗 + - 古铭 + - 杜麦尼 +圣夜旅织: + - 圣夜 + - 旅织 +千音雅集: + - 千音 + - 雅集 +聚聚鼓: + - 聚聚鼓 +悠可琴: + - 悠可琴 + - 悠悠琴 铭随流镜: - 铭随 - 流镜 - 镜子 -长犀圆鸟: - - 长犀 - - 长犀 - - 纳塔钓竿 - - 纳塔鱼竿 - - 纳塔钓鱼竿 初诞灵焰: - 初诞 - 灵焰 diff --git a/resources/Atlas_alias/shiwu_tujian.yaml b/resources/Atlas_alias/shiwu_tujian.yaml index ba414e5..7e2b2b1 100644 --- a/resources/Atlas_alias/shiwu_tujian.yaml +++ b/resources/Atlas_alias/shiwu_tujian.yaml @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +肉满满寿司: + -满满寿司 粒果肉汤: - 粒果肉汤 薄荷酱烤鱼: @@ -432,6 +434,8 @@ - 欧洛伦特殊料理 - 欧洛伦特色料理 - 欧洛伦专属料理 +清心花饼: + - 清心花饼 山与海与天空: - 山与海 - 海与天空 @@ -548,6 +552,8 @@ 苹果金条条: - 苹果条条 - 金条条 +炎岩之颂: + - 岩之颂 强水: - 强水 火焰炖肉: @@ -831,8 +837,6 @@ - 莫娜特殊料理 - 莫娜特色料理 - 莫娜专属料理 -肉满满寿司: - - 满满寿司 金玉满堂: - 金玉 - 满堂 diff --git a/resources/Atlas_alias/wuqi_tujian.yaml b/resources/Atlas_alias/wuqi_tujian.yaml index 1972ea4..30d8f1e 100644 --- a/resources/Atlas_alias/wuqi_tujian.yaml +++ b/resources/Atlas_alias/wuqi_tujian.yaml @@ -1,3 +1,14 @@ +且住亭御咄: + - 且住亭 + - 御咄 + - 且住 + - 亭御 +寝正月初晴: + - 寝正 + - 正月 + - 初晴 + - 梦见月瑞希专武 + - 梦见月专武 祭星者之望: - 祭星者 - 茜特菈莉专武 @@ -5,6 +16,7 @@ - 焚曜 - 千阳 - 玛薇卡专武 + - 火神专武 星鹫赤羽: - 星鹫 - 赤羽 diff --git a/resources/Atlas_alias/yuanmo_tujian.yaml b/resources/Atlas_alias/yuanmo_tujian.yaml index 36a0961..cd9a303 100644 --- a/resources/Atlas_alias/yuanmo_tujian.yaml +++ b/resources/Atlas_alias/yuanmo_tujian.yaml @@ -1,10 +1,20 @@ +蚀灭的源焰之主: + - 蚀灭 + - 深渊龙 + - 源焰之主 + - 新周本 +灵觉隐修的迷者: + - 迷者 + - 祭司 + - 灵觉 + - 隐修 + - 新BOSS + - 新Boss + - 新boss 深邃摹结株: - 结株 - 深渊树 - 深邃摹结株·I型 - - 新BOSS - - 新Boss - - 新boss 深邃拟覆叶: - 覆叶 - 深渊叶 diff --git a/resources/sr/character/data.json b/resources/sr/character/data.json index 9ede77e..33aff57 100644 --- a/resources/sr/character/data.json +++ b/resources/sr/character/data.json @@ -383,6 +383,7 @@ "景元", "景原", "景源", + "牢景", "神君发射器", "景元元", "神策将军" @@ -832,6 +833,29 @@ "elem": "火", "weapon": "虚无" }, + "1401": { + "id": 1401, + "key": "Herta", + "name": "大黑塔", + "names": [ + "大黑塔" + ], + "star": 5, + "elem": "冰", + "weapon": "智识" + }, + "1402": { + "id": 1402, + "key": "Aglaea", + "name": "阿格莱雅", + "names": [ + "阿格莱雅", + "阿雅" + ], + "star": 5, + "elem": "雷", + "weapon": "记忆" + }, "8002": { "id": 8002, "key": "Trailblazer", @@ -883,5 +907,20 @@ "star": 5, "elem": "虚数", "weapon": "同谐" + }, + "8008": { + "id": 8008, + "key": "Trailblazer", + "name": "开拓者 (记忆)", + "names": [ + "开拓者 (记忆)", + "冰开拓者", + "记忆开拓者", + "记忆主", + "冰主" + ], + "star": 5, + "elem": "虚数", + "weapon": "同谐" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/sr/icon/path/Memory.png b/resources/sr/character/img/命途/记忆.png similarity index 100% rename from resources/sr/icon/path/Memory.png rename to resources/sr/character/img/命途/记忆.png diff --git a/resources/sr/character/大黑塔/data.json b/resources/sr/character/大黑塔/data.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e23aae5 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/sr/character/大黑塔/data.json @@ -0,0 +1,2205 @@ +{ + "id": "1401", + "name": "大黑塔", + "rarity": 5, + "element": "冰", + "path": "智识", + "jpcv": "山崎はるか", + "cncv": "侯小菲", + "allegiance": "空间站「黑塔」", + "sp": 220, + "affiliation": "空间站「黑塔」", + "factions": "/", + "baseAttr": { + "atk": 679.1400000000001, + "hp": 1164.2399999999998, + "def": 485.1, + "speed": 99, + "cpct": 5, + "cdmg": 50, + "aggro": 75 + }, + "growAttr": { + "damage": [ + 3.2, + 3.2, + 4.8, + 4.8, + 6.4 + ], + "break": [ + 5.3, + 8, + 10.7 + ], + "hp": [ + 4, + 6 + ] + }, + "desc": "尊贵的「天才俱乐部」#83,人类,女性,年轻,貌美,可爱。 传说她隐居在银河边境,几乎不踏出其间,想必此次现身—— 一定是为了某个不得不亲自出马的问题吧?", + "skills": [ + "140101", + "140102", + "140103", + "140104", + "140106", + "140107", + "140109" + ], + "eidolons": [ + { + "id": "140101", + "name": "群星岸落之夜", + "effect": "强化战技计算【解读】层数时,额外计算主目标及相邻目标中层数最高的1个目标当前【解读】层数的50%。施放强化战技重置【解读】时,改为将层数重置为15层。", + "icon": "icon/skill/1401_rank1.png" + }, + { + "id": "140102", + "name": "穿过锁孔之风", + "effect": "大黑塔进入战斗和施放终结技后,额外获得1层【灵感】。施放强化战技后,大黑塔的下一次行动提前35%。", + "icon": "icon/skill/1401_rank2.png" + }, + { + "id": "140103", + "name": "进入盛夏之门", + "effect": "战技等级+2,最多不超过15级,天赋等级+2,最多不超过15级。", + "icon": "icon/skill/1401_skill.png" + }, + { + "id": "140104", + "name": "第十六把钥匙", + "effect": "队伍中的「智识」命途角色的速度提高12%。", + "icon": "icon/skill/1401_rank4.png" + }, + { + "id": "140105", + "name": "苦药似的真理", + "effect": "终结技等级+2,最多不超过15级,普攻等级+1,最多不超过10级。", + "icon": "icon/skill/1401_ultimate.png" + }, + { + "id": "140106", + "name": "甜饵般的答案", + "effect": "大黑塔的冰属性抗性穿透提高20%,当场上敌方目标数量等于3或以上/2/1名时,终结技的伤害倍率提高140%/250%/400%。", + "icon": "icon/skill/1401_rank6.png" + } + ], + "skillsData": { + "140101": { + "id": "140101", + "name": "开窍了吗", + "max_level": 9, + "element": "Ice", + "type": "Normal", + "type_text": "普攻", + "effect": "SingleAttack", + "effect_text": "单攻", + "simple_desc": "对指定敌方单体造成少量冰属性伤害。", + "desc": "对指定敌方单体造成等同于大黑塔50%/60%/70%/80%/90%/100%/110%/120%/130%攻击力的冰属性伤害。", + "params": [ + [ + 0.5, + 3, + 1, + 0.3 + ], + [ + 0.6, + 3, + 1, + 0.3 + ], + [ + 0.7, + 3, + 1, + 0.3 + ], + [ + 0.8, + 3, + 1, + 0.3 + ], + [ + 0.9, + 3, + 1, + 0.3 + ], + [ + 1, + 3, + 1, + 0.3 + ], + [ + 1.1, + 3, + 1, + 0.3 + ], + [ + 1.2, + 3, + 1, + 0.3 + ], + [ + 1.3, + 3, + 1, + 0.3 + ] + ], + "icon": "icon/skill/1401_basic_atk.png", + "AttributeBuff": [ + "额外能力·冷漠的诚实:我方目标攻击时,对被击中的敌方目标施加1层【解读】。攻击后,本次攻击每击中1个目标就使大黑塔固定恢复3点能量,最多计算5个目标。施放强化战技时,若主目标的【解读】层数达到42,使大黑塔造成的伤害提高50%,持续到本次攻击结束。", + "属性加成·攻击强化:攻击力提高4%。", + "属性加成·速度强化:速度提高2。", + "属性加成·伤害强化•冰:冰属性伤害提高3.2%。" + ] + }, + "140102": { + "id": "140102", + "name": "格局打开", + "max_level": 15, + "element": "Ice", + "type": "BPSkill", + "type_text": "战技", + "effect": "Blast", + "effect_text": "扩散", + "simple_desc": "对指定敌方单体造成伤害。对被本次战技击中的目标及其相邻目标造成伤害,重复2次。", + "desc": "对指定敌方单体造成等同于大黑塔35%/38%/42%/45%/49%/52%/56%/61%/65%/70%/73%/77%/80%/84%/87%攻击力的冰属性伤害并施加1层【解读】。对本次战技命中过的目标及其相邻目标造成等同于大黑塔35%/38%/42%/45%/49%/52%/56%/61%/65%/70%/73%/77%/80%/84%/87%攻击力的冰属性伤害,该效果可重复2次。", + "params": [ + [ + 0.35, + 1 + ], + [ + 0.385, + 1 + ], + [ + 0.42, + 1 + ], + [ + 0.455, + 1 + ], + [ + 0.49, + 1 + ], + [ + 0.525, + 1 + ], + [ + 0.5687, + 1 + ], + [ + 0.6125, + 1 + ], + [ + 0.6562, + 1 + ], + [ + 0.7, + 1 + ], + [ + 0.735, + 1 + ], + [ + 0.77, + 1 + ], + [ + 0.805, + 1 + ], + [ + 0.84, + 1 + ], + [ + 0.875, + 1 + ] + ], + "icon": "icon/skill/1401_skill.png", + "AttributeBuff": [ + "额外能力·视界外来信:进入战斗时,若队伍中的「智识」命途角色大于等于2名,使我方全体暴击伤害提高80%,行迹【冷漠的诚实】计算击中目标数时至少计算3个目标,攻击后对被击中的敌方目标中【解读】层数最高的目标施加1层【解读】,若攻击者为「智识」命途角色则额外施加2层【解读】。", + "属性加成·伤害强化•冰:冰属性伤害提高4.8%。", + "属性加成·伤害强化•冰:冰属性伤害提高4.8%。", + "属性加成·攻击强化:攻击力提高6%。" + ] + }, + "140103": { + "id": "140103", + "name": "早说了是魔法吧", + "max_level": 15, + "element": "Ice", + "type": "Ultra", + "type_text": "终结技", + "effect": "AoEAttack", + "effect_text": "群攻", + "simple_desc": "将敌方全体的【解读】层数重新排序,较高层数的【解读】将优先转移到精英级别及以上的目标,并对敌方全体造成冰属性伤害。使用后获得强化战技并立即行动。", + "desc": "将敌方全体的【解读】层数重新排序,较高层数的【解读】将优先转移到精英级别及以上的目标,并对敌方全体造成等同于大黑塔100%/110%/120%/130%/140%/150%/162%/175%/187%/2%/210%/220%/229%/240%/250%攻击力的冰属性伤害。终结技施放时,使大黑塔攻击力提高40%/44%/48%/52%/56%/60%/65%/70%/75%/80%/84%/88%/92%/96%/100%,持续3回合,施放后使大黑塔立即行动,并获得1层【灵感】。【灵感】最多持有4层,持有【灵感】时,战技强化为【我有一个大胆的想法】。", + "params": [ + [ + 1, + 2, + 1, + 0.4, + 3, + 4 + ], + [ + 1.1, + 2, + 1, + 0.44, + 3, + 4 + ], + [ + 1.2, + 2, + 1, + 0.48, + 3, + 4 + ], + [ + 1.3, + 2, + 1, + 0.52, + 3, + 4 + ], + [ + 1.4, + 2, + 1, + 0.56, + 3, + 4 + ], + [ + 1.5, + 2, + 1, + 0.6, + 3, + 4 + ], + [ + 1.625, + 2, + 1, + 0.65, + 3, + 4 + ], + [ + 1.75, + 2, + 1, + 0.7, + 3, + 4 + ], + [ + 1.875, + 2, + 1, + 0.75, + 3, + 4 + ], + [ + 2, + 2, + 1, + 0.8, + 3, + 4 + ], + [ + 2.1, + 2, + 1, + 0.84, + 3, + 4 + ], + [ + 2.2, + 2, + 1, + 0.88, + 3, + 4 + ], + [ + 2.3, + 2, + 1, + 0.92, + 3, + 4 + ], + [ + 2.4, + 2, + 1, + 0.96, + 3, + 4 + ], + [ + 2.5, + 2, + 1, + 1, + 3, + 4 + ] + ], + "icon": "icon/skill/1401_ultimate.png" + }, + "140104": { + "id": "140104", + "name": "拿来吧你", + "max_level": 15, + "element": "", + "type": "Talent", + "type_text": "天赋", + "effect": "Enhance", + "effect_text": "强化", + "simple_desc": "强化战技根据目标【解读】层数,提高造成的伤害。", + "desc": "敌方目标进入战斗时,大黑塔对其施加1层【解读】。每个波次开始时,对一个随机敌方目标施加25层【解读】,优先施加给精英级别及以上的目标。强化战技的主目标持有【解读】时,造成的伤害倍率提高,每层对主目标/其他目标提高4%/5%/6%/7%/8%/9%/10%/2%/3%/4%/5%,若队伍中的「智识」命途角色大于等于2名,每层额外对主目标/其他目标提高4%/5%/6%/7%/8%/9%/10%/2%/3%/4%/5%。【解读】最多可叠加42层,使用强化战技时,将主目标的【解读】重置为1层。敌方目标离场或被任意单位消灭后,【解读】会被转移,优先转移到精英级别及以上的目标。", + "params": [ + [ + 0.04, + 0.02, + 42, + 1, + 42, + 25 + ], + [ + 0.044, + 0.022, + 42, + 1, + 42, + 25 + ], + [ + 0.048, + 0.024, + 42, + 1, + 42, + 25 + ], + [ + 0.052, + 0.026, + 42, + 1, + 42, + 25 + ], + [ + 0.056, + 0.028, + 42, + 1, + 42, + 25 + ], + [ + 0.06, + 0.03, + 42, + 1, + 42, + 25 + ], + [ + 0.065, + 0.0325, + 42, + 1, + 42, + 25 + ], + [ + 0.07, + 0.035, + 42, + 1, + 42, + 25 + ], + [ + 0.075, + 0.0375, + 42, + 1, + 42, + 25 + ], + [ + 0.08, + 0.04, + 42, + 1, + 42, + 25 + ], + [ + 0.084, + 0.042, + 42, + 1, + 42, + 25 + ], + [ + 0.088, + 0.044, + 42, + 1, + 42, + 25 + ], + [ + 0.092, + 0.046, + 42, + 1, + 42, + 25 + ], + [ + 0.096, + 0.048, + 42, + 1, + 42, + 25 + ], + [ + 0.1, + 0.05, + 42, + 1, + 42, + 25 + ] + ], + "icon": "icon/skill/1401_talent.png", + "AttributeBuff": [ + "额外能力·饥饿的地景:敌方目标每被施加1层【解读】,大黑塔获得1层【谜底】,最多叠加99层。施放终结技时,每持有1层【谜底】,使本次终结技的伤害倍率提高1%。", + "属性加成·速度强化:速度提高3。", + "属性加成·攻击强化:攻击力提高8%。" + ] + }, + "140106": { + "id": "140106", + "name": "攻击", + "max_level": 1, + "element": "Ice", + "type": "MazeNormal", + "type_text": "dev_连携", + "effect": "MazeAttack", + "effect_text": "", + "simple_desc": "", + "desc": "攻击敌人,进入战斗后削弱敌方目标对应属性韧性。", + "params": [], + "icon": "icon/skill/1401_basic_atk.png" + }, + "140107": { + "id": "140107", + "name": "看看好看的", + "max_level": 1, + "element": "", + "type": "Maze", + "type_text": "秘技", + "effect": "Enhance", + "effect_text": "强化", + "simple_desc": "使用秘技后,可以标记数个普通战利品的位置,并且下一次战斗开始时大黑塔攻击力提高。\n在模拟宇宙、差分宇宙使用秘技进战后,每个波次开始时对敌方全体造成大量真实伤害。", + "desc": "使用秘技后,下一次战斗开始时大黑塔攻击力提高60%,持续2回合。\n若当前场景存在普通战利品,使用秘技后标记最多3个普通战利品的位置。\n在模拟宇宙、差分宇宙中使用秘技进入战斗后,每个波次开始时对精英级别以下的敌方目标造成等同于目标99%生命上限的真实伤害,对精英级别及以上的目标造成等同于目标30%生命上限的真实伤害。", + "params": [ + [ + 0.6, + 2, + 3, + 0.99, + 0.3, + 25 + ] + ], + "icon": "icon/skill/1401_technique.png", + "AttributeBuff": [ + "属性加成·伤害强化•冰:冰属性伤害提高3.2%。", + "属性加成·伤害强化•冰:冰属性伤害提高6.4%。" + ] + }, + "140109": { + "id": "140109", + "name": "我有一个大胆的想法", + "max_level": 15, + "element": "Ice", + "type": "BPSkill", + "type_text": "战技", + "effect": "AoEAttack", + "effect_text": "群攻", + "simple_desc": "对指定敌方单体造成伤害。对被本次战技击中的目标及其相邻目标造成伤害,重复2次。之后,对敌方全体造成伤害。", + "desc": "消耗1层【灵感】,对指定敌方单体造成等同于大黑塔40%/44%/48%/52%/56%/60%/65%/70%/75%/80%/84%/88%/92%/96%/100%攻击力的冰属性伤害并施加1层【解读】。对本次战技中被击中过的目标及其相邻目标造成等同于大黑塔40%/44%/48%/52%/56%/60%/65%/70%/75%/80%/84%/88%/92%/96%/100%攻击力的冰属性伤害,重复2次,最后,对所有敌方目标造成等同于大黑塔20%/22%/24%/26%/28%/30%/32%/35%/37%/40%/42%/44%/46%/48%/50%攻击力的冰属性伤害。", + "params": [ + [ + 0.4, + 1, + 0.2 + ], + [ + 0.44, + 1, + 0.22 + ], + [ + 0.48, + 1, + 0.24 + ], + [ + 0.52, + 1, + 0.26 + ], + [ + 0.56, + 1, + 0.28 + ], + [ + 0.6, + 1, + 0.3 + ], + [ + 0.65, + 1, + 0.325 + ], + [ + 0.7, + 1, + 0.35 + ], + [ + 0.75, + 1, + 0.375 + ], + [ + 0.8, + 1, + 0.4 + ], + [ + 0.84, + 1, + 0.42 + ], + [ + 0.88, + 1, + 0.44 + ], + [ + 0.92, + 1, + 0.46 + ], + [ + 0.96, + 1, + 0.48 + ], + [ + 1, + 1, + 0.5 + ] + ], + "icon": "icon/skill/1401_skill.png" + } + }, + "skill_tree": { + "1401001": { + "id": "1401001", + "name": "", + "max_level": 6, + "desc": "", + "params": [], + "anchor": "Point01", + "pre_points": [], + "level_up_skills": [ + { + "id": "140101", + "num": 1 + } + ], + "levels": [ + { + "promotion": 0, + "level": 0, + "properties": [], + "materials": [] + }, + { + "promotion": 2, + "level": 0, + "properties": [], + "materials": [ + { + "id": "2", + "num": 5000 + }, + { + "id": "110201", + "num": 3 + }, + { + "id": "111001", + "num": 6 + } + ] + }, + { + "promotion": 3, + "level": 0, + "properties": [], + "materials": [ + { + "id": "2", + "num": 10000 + }, + { + "id": "110202", + "num": 3 + }, + { + "id": "111002", + "num": 3 + } + ] + }, + { + "promotion": 4, + "level": 0, + "properties": [], + "materials": [ + { + "id": "2", + "num": 20000 + }, + { + "id": "110202", + "num": 5 + }, + { + "id": "111002", + "num": 4 + } + ] + }, + { + "promotion": 5, + "level": 0, + "properties": [], + "materials": [ + { + "id": "2", + "num": 45000 + }, + { + "id": "110203", + "num": 3 + }, + { + "id": "111003", + "num": 3 + } + ] + }, + { + "promotion": 6, + "level": 0, + "properties": [], + "materials": [ + { + "id": "2", + "num": 160000 + }, + { + "id": "110203", + "num": 8 + }, + { + "id": "111003", + "num": 4 + } + ] + } + ], + "icon": "icon/skill/1401_basic_atk.png" + }, + "1401002": { + "id": "1401002", + "name": "", + "max_level": 10, + "desc": "", + "params": [], + "anchor": "Point02", + "pre_points": [], + "level_up_skills": [ + { + "id": "140102", + "num": 1 + }, + { + "id": "140109", + "num": 1 + } + ], + "levels": [ + { + "promotion": 0, + "level": 0, + "properties": [], + "materials": [] + }, + { + "promotion": 1, + "level": 0, + "properties": [], + "materials": [ + { + "id": "2", + "num": 2500 + }, + { + "id": "111001", + "num": 3 + } + ] + }, + { + "promotion": 2, + "level": 0, + "properties": [], + "materials": [ + { + "id": "2", + "num": 5000 + }, + { + "id": "110201", + "num": 3 + }, + { + "id": "111001", + "num": 6 + } + ] + }, + { + "promotion": 3, + "level": 0, + "properties": [], + "materials": [ + { + "id": "2", + "num": 10000 + }, + { + "id": "110202", + "num": 3 + }, + { + "id": "111002", + "num": 3 + } + ] + }, + { + "promotion": 4, + "level": 0, + "properties": [], + "materials": [ + { + "id": "2", + "num": 20000 + }, + { + "id": "110202", + "num": 5 + }, + { + "id": "111002", + "num": 4 + } + ] + }, + { + "promotion": 4, + "level": 0, + "properties": [], + "materials": [ + { + "id": "2", + "num": 30000 + }, + { + "id": "110202", + "num": 7 + }, + { + "id": "111002", + "num": 6 + } + ] + }, + { + "promotion": 5, + "level": 0, + "properties": [], + "materials": [ + { + "id": "2", + "num": 45000 + }, + { + "id": "110203", + "num": 3 + }, + { + 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{ + "promotion": 0, + "level": 0, + "properties": [], + "materials": [] + }, + { + "promotion": 1, + "level": 0, + "properties": [], + "materials": [ + { + "id": "2", + "num": 2500 + }, + { + "id": "111001", + "num": 3 + } + ] + }, + { + "promotion": 2, + "level": 0, + "properties": [], + "materials": [ + { + "id": "2", + "num": 5000 + }, + { + "id": "110201", + "num": 3 + }, + { + "id": "111001", + "num": 6 + } + ] + }, + { + "promotion": 3, + "level": 0, + "properties": [], + "materials": [ + { + "id": "2", + "num": 10000 + }, + { + "id": "110202", + "num": 3 + }, + { + "id": "111002", + "num": 3 + } + ] + }, + { + "promotion": 4, + "level": 0, + "properties": [], + "materials": [ + { + "id": "2", + "num": 20000 + }, + { + "id": "110202", + "num": 5 + }, + { + "id": "111002", + "num": 4 + } + ] + }, + { + "promotion": 4, + "level": 0, + "properties": [], + "materials": [ + { + "id": "2", + "num": 30000 + }, + { + "id": "110202", + "num": 7 + }, + { + "id": "111002", + "num": 6 + } + ] + }, + { + "promotion": 5, + "level": 0, + "properties": [], + "materials": [ + { + "id": "2", + "num": 45000 + }, + { + "id": "110203", + "num": 3 + }, + { + "id": "111003", + "num": 3 + } + ] + }, + { + "promotion": 5, + "level": 0, + "properties": [], + "materials": [ + { + "id": "2", + "num": 80000 + }, + { + "id": "110203", + "num": 5 + }, + { + "id": "110506", + "num": 1 + }, + { + "id": "111003", + "num": 4 + } + ] + }, + { + "promotion": 6, + "level": 0, + "properties": [], + "materials": [ + { + "id": "2", + "num": 160000 + }, + { + "id": "110203", + "num": 8 + }, + { + "id": "241", + "num": 1 + }, + { + "id": "110506", + "num": 1 + } + ] + }, + { + "promotion": 6, + "level": 0, + "properties": [], + "materials": [ + { + "id": "2", + "num": 300000 + }, + { + "id": "110203", + "num": 14 + }, + { + "id": "241", + "num": 1 + }, + { + "id": "110506", + "num": 1 + } + ] + } + ], + "icon": "icon/skill/1401_ultimate.png" + }, + "1401004": { + "id": "1401004", + "name": "", + 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"icon": "icon/skill/1401_skilltree1.png" + }, + "1401102": { + "id": "1401102", + "name": "视界外来信", + "max_level": 1, + "desc": "进入战斗时,若队伍中的「智识」命途角色大于等于2名,使我方全体暴击伤害提高#1[i]%,行迹【冷漠的诚实】计算击中目标数时至少计算#2[i]个目标,攻击后对被击中的敌方目标中【解读】层数最高的目标施加#3[i]层【解读】,若攻击者为「智识」命途角色则额外施加#4[i]层【解读】。", + "params": [ + [ + 0.8, + 3, + 1, + 2 + ] + ], + "anchor": "Point07", + "pre_points": [], + "level_up_skills": [], + "levels": [ + { + "promotion": 4, + "level": 0, + "properties": [], + "materials": [ + { + "id": "2", + "num": 20000 + }, + { + "id": "110202", + "num": 5 + }, + { + "id": "241", + "num": 1 + }, + { + "id": "110506", + "num": 1 + } + ] + } + ], + "icon": "icon/skill/1401_skilltree2.png" + }, + "1401103": { + "id": "1401103", + "name": "饥饿的地景", + "max_level": 1, + "desc": "敌方目标每被施加1层【解读】,大黑塔获得1层【谜底】,最多叠加#2[i]层。施放终结技时,每持有1层【谜底】,使本次终结技的伤害倍率提高#1[f1]%。", + "params": [ + [ + 0.01, + 99 + ] + ], + "anchor": "Point08", + "pre_points": [], + "level_up_skills": [], + "levels": [ + { + "promotion": 6, + "level": 0, 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"element": "Ice", + "type": "Normal", + "type_text": "普攻", + "effect": "SingleAttack", + "effect_text": "单攻", + "simple_desc": "对敌方单体造成少量冰属性伤害。", + "desc": "对指定敌方单体造成等同于开拓者50%/60%/70%/80%/90%/100%/110%/120%/130%攻击力的冰属性伤害。", + "params": [ + [ + 0.5 + ], + [ + 0.6 + ], + [ + 0.7 + ], + [ + 0.8 + ], + [ + 0.9 + ], + [ + 1 + ], + [ + 1.1 + ], + [ + 1.2 + ], + [ + 1.3 + ] + ], + "icon": "icon/skill/8008_basic_atk.png", + "AttributeBuff": [] + }, + "800802": { + "id": "800802", + "name": "就决定是你了!", + "max_level": 15, + "element": "", + "type": "BPSkill", + "type_text": "战技", + "effect": "Summon", + "effect_text": "召唤", + "simple_desc": "召唤忆灵迷迷。若迷迷已在场,为迷迷回复生命值,并使迷迷获得充能。", + "desc": "召唤忆灵迷迷。若迷迷已在场,为迷迷回复等同于迷迷生命上限30%/33%/36%/39%/42%/45%/48%/52%/56%/60%/63%/66%/69%/72%/75%的生命值,并且使迷迷获得10%充能。", + "params": [ + [ + 0.3, + 0.1 + ], + [ + 0.33, + 0.1 + ], + [ + 0.36, + 0.1 + ], + [ + 0.39, + 0.1 + ], + [ + 0.42, + 0.1 + ], + [ + 0.45, + 0.1 + ], + [ + 0.4875, + 0.1 + ], + [ + 0.525, + 0.1 + ], + [ + 0.5625, + 0.1 + ], + [ + 0.6, + 0.1 + ], + [ + 0.63, + 0.1 + ], + [ + 0.66, + 0.1 + ], + [ + 0.69, + 0.1 + ], + [ + 0.72, + 0.1 + ], + [ + 0.75, + 0.1 + ] + ], + "icon": "icon/skill/8008_skill.png", + "AttributeBuff": [] + }, + "800803": { + "id": "800803", + "name": "一起上吧,迷迷!", + "max_level": 15, + "element": "Ice", + "type": "Ultra", + "type_text": "终结技", + "effect": "AoEAttack", + "effect_text": "群攻", + "simple_desc": "召唤忆灵迷迷。使迷迷获得充能,随后使迷迷对敌方全体造成大量冰属性伤害。", + "desc": "召唤忆灵迷迷。使迷迷获得40%充能,随后使迷迷对敌方全体造成等同于迷迷120%/132%/144%/156%/168%/180%/195%/210%/225%/240%/252%/264%/276%/288%/3%攻击力的冰属性伤害。", + "params": [ + [ + 1.2, + 0.4 + ], + [ + 1.32, + 0.4 + ], + [ + 1.44, + 0.4 + ], + [ + 1.56, + 0.4 + ], + [ + 1.68, + 0.4 + ], + [ + 1.8, + 0.4 + ], + [ + 1.95, + 0.4 + ], + [ + 2.1, + 0.4 + ], + [ + 2.25, + 0.4 + ], + [ + 2.4, + 0.4 + ], + [ + 2.52, + 0.4 + ], + [ + 2.64, + 0.4 + ], + [ + 2.76, + 0.4 + ], + [ + 2.88, + 0.4 + ], + [ + 3, + 0.4 + ] + ], + "icon": "icon/skill/8008_ultimate.png", + "AttributeBuff": [ + "额外能力·袖珍的事诗:迷迷施放【坏人!麻烦!】时,立即获得5%充能。", + "属性加成·生命强化:生命值上限提高6%。", + "属性加成·暴击伤害强化:暴击伤害提高8%。"] + }, + "800804": { + "id": "800804", + "name": "无所不能的伙伴", + "max_level": 15, + "element": "", + "type": "Talent", + "type_text": "天赋", + "effect": "Enhance", + "effect_text": "强化", + "simple_desc": "我方全体每恢复一定能量,迷迷都会获得充能。", + "desc": "忆灵迷迷初始拥有130点速度和等同于开拓者50%/53%/56%/59%/62%/65%/68%/72%/76%/80%/83%/86%/89%/92%/95%生命上限+400/424/448/472/496/520/550/580/610/640/664/688/712/736/760的生命上限。我方全体每累计恢复10点能量,迷迷都会获得1%充能。", + "params": [ + [ + 130, + 0.5, + 10, + 400 + ], + [ + 130, + 0.53, + 10, + 424 + ], + [ + 130, + 0.56, + 10, + 448 + ], + [ + 130, + 0.59, + 10, + 472 + ], + [ + 130, + 0.62, + 10, + 496 + ], + [ + 130, + 0.65, + 10, + 520 + ], + [ + 130, + 0.6875, + 10, + 550 + ], + [ + 130, + 0.725, + 10, + 580 + ], + [ + 130, + 0.7625, + 10, + 610 + ], + [ + 130, + 0.8, + 10, + 640 + ], + [ + 130, + 0.83, + 10, + 664 + ], + [ + 130, + 0.86, + 10, + 688 + ], + [ + 130, + 0.89, + 10, + 712 + ], + [ + 130, + 0.92, + 10, + 736 + ], + [ + 130, + 0.95, + 10, + 760 + ] + ], + "icon": "icon/skill/8008_talent.png", + "AttributeBuff": [ + "额外能力·追念之权杖:战斗开始时,开拓者的行动提前30%。首次召唤迷迷时,使迷迷获得40%充能。", + "属性加成·攻击强化:攻击力提高4%。", + "属性加成·暴击伤害强化:暴击伤害提高8%。"] + }, + "800806": { + "id": "800806", + "name": "攻击", + "max_level": 1, + "element": "Ice", + "type": "MazeNormal", + "type_text": "dev_连携", + "effect": "MazeAttack", + "effect_text": "", + "simple_desc": "", + "desc": "攻击敌人,进入战斗后削弱敌方目标对应属性韧性。", + "params": [], + "icon": "icon/skill/8008_basic_atk.png", + "AttributeBuff": [] + }, + "800807": { + "id": "800807", + "name": "记忆如往日重现", + "max_level": 1, + "element": "", + "type": "Maze", + "type_text": "秘技", + "effect": "Impair", + "effect_text": "妨害", + "simple_desc": "制造特殊领域。领域内敌人行动停止。与领域内敌人进入战斗后,使敌方全体行动延后,并对敌方全体造成少量冰属性伤害。", + "desc": "使用秘技后,制造1片持续10秒的特殊领域。处于特殊领域内的敌人陷入时停状态。时停状态下的敌人会停止所有行动。\n与处于时停状态下的敌人进入战斗后,使敌方全体行动延后50%,随后对敌方全体造成等同于开拓者100%攻击力的冰属性伤害。\n我方制造的领域效果最多存在1个。", + "params": [ + [ + 10, + 0.5, + 1 + ] + ], + "icon": "icon/skill/8008_technique.png", + "AttributeBuff": [ + "属性加成·暴击伤害强化:暴击伤害提高5.3%。", + "属性加成·攻击强化:攻击力提高4%。", + "属性加成·暴击伤害强化:暴击伤害提高5.3%。", + "额外能力·磁石与长链:持有【迷迷的声援】的我方目标能量上限大于100点时,每超过10点,通过【迷迷的声援】造成的真实伤害倍率额外提高2%,最多提高20%。", + "属性加成·攻击强化:攻击力提高6%。", + "属性加成·生命强化:生命值上限提高8%。", + "属性加成·暴击伤害强化:暴击伤害提高10.7%。"] + }, + "800809": { + "id": "800809", + "name": "就决定是你了!", + "max_level": 15, + "element": "", + "type": "BPSkill", + "type_text": "战技", + "effect": "Restore", + "effect_text": "回复", + "simple_desc": "召唤忆灵迷迷。若迷迷已在场,为迷迷回复生命值,并使迷迷获得充能。", + "desc": "", + "params": [], + "icon": "icon/skill/8008_skill.png", + "AttributeBuff": [ + "群攻·坏人!麻烦!:造成4次伤害,每次对敌方随机单体造成等同于迷迷18%攻击力的冰属性伤害。最后对敌方全体造成等同于迷迷45%攻击力的冰属性伤害。", + "辅助·我会!帮你!:使指定我方单体行动提前100%并附上【迷迷的声援】,持续3回合。持有【迷迷的声援】的目标每造成1次伤害,都会再额外造成1次等同于原伤害18%的真实伤害。当对自身施放该技能时,无法触发行动提前效果。", + "辅助·伙伴!一起!:使我方全体的暴击伤害提高,提高数值等同于迷迷6%暴击伤害+12%。若充能未达到100%,迷迷行动时自动施放【坏人!麻烦!】。充能达到100%时迷迷立即行动,下一次行动时能够选择我方单体并施放【我会!帮你!】。", + "强化·迷迷,加油!:迷迷被召唤时,立即获得50%充能。", + "强化·遗憾…不留:迷迷消失时,使开拓者行动提前25%。"] + } + }, + "skill_tree": { + "8008001": { + "id": "8008001", + "name": "", + "max_level": 6, + "desc": "", + "params": [], + "anchor": "Point01", + "pre_points": [], + "level_up_skills": [ + { + "id": "800801", + "num": 1 + } + ], + "levels": [ + { + "promotion": 0, + "level": 0, + "properties": [], + "materials": [] + }, + { + "promotion": 2, + "level": 0, + "properties": [], + "materials": [ + { + "id": "2", + "num": 2800 + }, + { + "id": "110251", + "num": 1 + }, + { + "id": "111011", + "num": 3 + } + ] + }, + { + "promotion": 3, + "level": 0, + "properties": [], + "materials": [ + { + "id": "2", + "num": 5600 + }, + { + "id": "110252", + "num": 1 + }, + { + "id": "111012", + "num": 1 + } + ] + }, + { + "promotion": 4, + "level": 0, + "properties": [], + "materials": [ + { + "id": "2", + "num": 12800 + }, + { + "id": "110252", + "num": 3 + }, + { + "id": "111012", + "num": 2 + } + ] + }, + { + "promotion": 5, + "level": 0, + "properties": [], + 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"110251", + "num": 1 + }, + { + "id": "111011", + "num": 3 + } + ] + }, + { + "promotion": 3, + "level": 0, + "properties": [], + "materials": [ + { + "id": "2", + "num": 5600 + }, + { + "id": "110252", + "num": 1 + }, + { + "id": "111012", + "num": 1 + } + ] + }, + { + "promotion": 4, + "level": 0, + "properties": [], + "materials": [ + { + "id": "2", + "num": 12800 + }, + { + "id": "110252", + "num": 3 + }, + { + "id": "111012", + "num": 2 + } + ] + }, + { + "promotion": 4, + "level": 0, + "properties": [], + "materials": [ + { + "id": "2", + "num": 20000 + }, + { + "id": "110252", + "num": 5 + }, + { + "id": "111012", + "num": 5 + } + ] + }, + { + "promotion": 5, + "level": 0, + "properties": [], + "materials": [ + { + "id": "2", + "num": 28000 + }, + { + "id": "110253", + "num": 2 + }, + { + "id": "111013", + "num": 2 + } + ] + }, + { + "promotion": 5, + "level": 0, + "properties": [], + "materials": [ + { + "id": "2", + "num": 56000 + }, + { + "id": "110253", + "num": 3 + }, + { + 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1, + "level": 0, + "properties": [], + "materials": [ + { + "id": "2", + "num": 2000 + }, + { + "id": "111011", + "num": 2 + } + ] + }, + { + "promotion": 2, + "level": 0, + "properties": [], + "materials": [ + { + "id": "2", + "num": 2800 + }, + { + "id": "110251", + "num": 1 + }, + { + "id": "111011", + "num": 3 + } + ] + }, + { + "promotion": 3, + "level": 0, + "properties": [], + "materials": [ + { + "id": "2", + "num": 5600 + }, + { + "id": "110252", + "num": 1 + }, + { + "id": "111012", + "num": 1 + } + ] + }, + { + "promotion": 4, + "level": 0, + "properties": [], + "materials": [ + { + "id": "2", + "num": 12800 + }, + { + "id": "110252", + "num": 3 + }, + { + "id": "111012", + "num": 2 + } + ] + }, + { + "promotion": 4, + "level": 0, + "properties": [], + "materials": [ + { + "id": "2", + "num": 20000 + }, + { + "id": "110252", + "num": 5 + }, + { + "id": "111012", + "num": 5 + } + ] + }, + { + "promotion": 5, + "level": 0, + "properties": [], + "materials": [ + { + "id": "2", + "num": 28000 + }, + { + "id": "110253", + "num": 2 + }, + { + "id": "111013", + "num": 2 + } + ] + }, + { + "promotion": 5, + "level": 0, + "properties": [], + "materials": [ + { + "id": "2", + "num": 56000 + }, + { + "id": "110253", + "num": 3 + }, + { + "id": "110506", + "num": 1 + }, + { + "id": "111013", + "num": 2 + } + ] + }, + { + "promotion": 6, + "level": 0, + "properties": [], + "materials": [ + { + "id": "2", + "num": 112000 + }, + { + "id": "110253", + "num": 5 + }, + { + "id": "110506", + "num": 1 + } + ] + }, + { + "promotion": 6, + "level": 0, + "properties": [], + "materials": [ + { + "id": "2", + "num": 192000 + }, + { + "id": "110253", + "num": 9 + }, + { + "id": "241", + "num": 1 + }, + { + "id": "110506", + "num": 1 + } + ] + } + ], + "icon": "icon/skill/8008_talent.png" + }, + "8008007": { + "id": "8008007", + "name": "", + "max_level": 1, + "desc": "", + "params": [], + "anchor": "Point05", + "pre_points": [], + "level_up_skills": [ + { + "id": "800807", + 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"effect": "战技等级+2,最多不超过15级;普攻等级+1,最多不超过10级;忆灵天赋等级+1,最多不超过10级。", + "icon": "icon/skill/1402_skill.png" + }, + { + "id": "140204", + "name": "大理石内的闪烁", + "effect": "忆灵天赋的速度提高效果层数上限提高1层。阿格莱雅施放攻击后也能使衣匠获得忆灵天赋的速度提高效果。", + "icon": "icon/skill/1402_rank4.png" + }, + { + "id": "140205", + "name": "漆黑苦难的织者", + "effect": "终结技等级+2,最多不超过15级;天赋等级+2,最多不超过15级;忆灵技等级+1,最多不超过10级。", + "icon": "icon/skill/1402_ultimate.png" + }, + { + "id": "140206", + "name": "盈虚无常的金线", + "effect": "当阿格莱雅处于【至高之姿】状态时,自身与衣匠的雷属性抗性穿透提高20%,当阿格莱雅或衣匠的速度高于160/240/320点时,其造成的连携攻击伤害提高10%/30%/60%。", + "icon": "icon/skill/1402_rank6.png" + } + ], + "skillsData": { + "140201": { + "id": "140201", + "name": "刺纹之蜜", + "max_level": 9, + "element": "Thunder", + "type": "Normal", + "type_text": "普攻", + "effect": "SingleAttack", + "effect_text": "单攻", + "simple_desc": "对敌方单体造成少量雷属性伤害。", + "desc": "对指定敌方单体造成等同于阿格莱雅50%/60%/70%/80%/90%/100%/110%/120%/130%攻击力的雷属性伤害。", + "params": [ + [ + 0.5, + 1 + ], + [ + 0.6, + 1 + ], + [ + 0.7, + 1 + ], + [ + 0.8, + 1 + ], + [ + 0.9, + 1 + ], + [ + 1, + 1 + ], + [ + 1.1, + 1 + ], + [ + 1.2, + 1 + ], + [ + 1.3, + 1 + ] + ], + "icon": "icon/skill/1402_basic_atk.png" + }, + "140202": { + "id": "140202", + "name": "高举吧,升华的名讳", + "max_level": 15, + "element": "", + "type": "BPSkill", + "type_text": "战技", + "effect": "Summon", + "effect_text": "召唤", + "simple_desc": "为衣匠回复生命值。衣匠不在场时,召唤忆灵衣匠并使自身立即行动。", + "desc": "为衣匠回复等同于其25%/27%/30%/32%/35%/37%/40%/43%/46%/50%/52%/55%/57%/60%/62%生命上限的生命值。若衣匠不在场,则召唤忆灵衣匠,并使自身立即行动。", + "params": [ + [ + 0.25, + 0, + 5 + ], + [ + 0.275, + 0, + 5 + ], + [ + 0.3, + 0, + 5 + ], + [ + 0.325, + 0, + 5 + ], + [ + 0.35, + 0, + 5 + ], + [ + 0.375, + 0, + 5 + ], + [ + 0.4062, + 0, + 5 + ], + [ + 0.4375, + 0, + 5 + ], + [ + 0.4688, + 0, + 5 + ], + [ + 0.5, + 0, + 5 + ], + [ + 0.525, + 0, + 5 + ], + [ + 0.55, + 0, + 5 + ], + [ + 0.575, + 0, + 5 + ], + [ + 0.6, + 0, + 5 + ], + [ + 0.625, + 0, + 5 + ] + ], + "icon": "icon/skill/1402_skill.png" + }, + "140203": { + "id": "140203", + "name": "共舞吧,命定的衣匠", + "max_level": 15, + "element": "", + "type": "Ultra", + "type_text": "终结技", + "effect": "Enhance", + "effect_text": "强化", + "simple_desc": "召唤忆灵衣匠,使阿格莱雅进入【至高之姿】状态并使自身立即行动,获得强化普攻。", + "desc": "召唤忆灵衣匠,若衣匠已在场,则使其生命值回复至上限。阿格莱雅进入【至高之姿】状态并使自身立即行动。\n【至高之姿】状态下,阿格莱雅获得衣匠忆灵天赋的速度提高层数,每层使自身速度提高10%/11%/12%/13%/14%/15%/16%/17%,普通攻击强化为【孤锋千吻】并且无法施放战技,衣匠免疫控制类负面状态。\n行动序列上出现倒计时,倒计时固定拥有100速度,倒计时存在期间再次施放终结技将重置倒计时,回合开始时使衣匠自毁。衣匠消失时阿格莱雅解除【至高之姿】状态。", + "params": [ + [ + 0.1, + 0, + 0, + 100, + 0, + 0 + ], + [ + 0.105, + 0, + 0, + 100, + 0, + 0 + ], + [ + 0.11, + 0, + 0, + 100, + 0, + 0 + ], + [ + 0.115, + 0, + 0, + 100, + 0, + 0 + ], + [ + 0.12, + 0, + 0, + 100, + 0, + 0 + ], + [ + 0.125, + 0, + 0, + 100, + 0, + 0 + ], + [ + 0.1313, + 0, + 0, + 100, + 0, + 0 + ], + [ + 0.1375, + 0, + 0, + 100, + 0, + 0 + ], + [ + 0.1437, + 0, + 0, + 100, + 0, + 0 + ], + [ + 0.15, + 0, + 0, + 100, + 0, + 0 + ], + [ + 0.155, + 0, + 0, + 100, + 0, + 0 + ], + [ + 0.16, + 0, + 0, + 100, + 0, + 0 + ], + [ + 0.165, + 0, + 0, + 100, + 0, + 0 + ], + [ + 0.17, + 0, + 0, + 100, + 0, + 0 + ], + [ + 0.175, + 0, + 0, + 100, + 0, + 0 + ] + ], + "icon": "icon/skill/1402_ultimate.png", + "AttributeBuff": [ + "额外能力·织运之竭:衣匠消失时,忆灵天赋的速度提高层数最多保留1层,衣匠再次被召唤时获得对应层数的速度提高效果。", + "属性加成·暴击率强化:暴击率提高4%。", + "属性加成·伤害强化•雷:雷属性伤害提高4.8%。" + ] + }, + "140204": { + "id": "140204", + "name": "金玫之指", + "max_level": 15, + "element": "Thunder", + "type": "Talent", + "type_text": "天赋", + "effect": "Enhance", + "effect_text": "强化", + "simple_desc": "衣匠在场时,阿格莱雅施放攻击时使目标陷入【间隙织线】状态。攻击处于【间隙织线】状态下的敌人后,造成少量雷属性附加伤害。", + "desc": "忆灵衣匠初始拥有等同于阿格莱雅35%速度的速度以及等同于阿格莱雅44%/46%/49%/52%/55%/57%/59%/61%/63%/66%/68%/70%/72%/74%/77%生命上限+180/247.5/315/382.5/450/504/558/612/666/720/774/828/882/936/990的生命上限。衣匠在场时,阿格莱雅施放攻击时使目标陷入【间隙织线】状态,攻击处于【间隙织线】状态下的敌人后,额外造成等同于阿格莱雅攻击力12%/13%/15%/17%/19%/21%/23%/25%/27%/30%/31%/33%/35%/37%/39%的雷属性附加伤害。【间隙织线】仅对最新被施加的目标生效。", + "params": [ + [ + 0.12, + 0, + 0, + 0.35, + 0.44, + 180 + ], + [ + 0.138, + 0, + 0, + 0.35, + 0.4675, + 247.5 + ], + [ + 0.156, + 0, + 0, + 0.35, + 0.495, + 315 + ], + [ + 0.174, + 0, + 0, + 0.35, + 0.5225, + 382.5 + ], + [ + 0.192, + 0, + 0, + 0.35, + 0.55, + 450 + ], + [ + 0.21, + 0, + 0, + 0.35, + 0.572, + 504 + ], + [ + 0.2325, + 0, + 0, + 0.35, + 0.594, + 558 + ], + [ + 0.255, + 0, + 0, + 0.35, + 0.616, + 612 + ], + [ + 0.2775, + 0, + 0, + 0.35, + 0.638, + 666 + ], + [ + 0.3, + 0, + 0, + 0.35, + 0.66, + 720 + ], + [ + 0.318, + 0, + 0, + 0.35, + 0.682, + 774 + ], + [ + 0.336, + 0, + 0, + 0.35, + 0.704, + 828 + ], + [ + 0.354, + 0, + 0, + 0.35, + 0.726, + 882 + ], + [ + 0.372, + 0, + 0, + 0.35, + 0.748, + 936 + ], + [ + 0.39, + 0, + 0, + 0.35, + 0.77, + 990 + ] + ], + "icon": "icon/skill/1402_talent.png", + "AttributeBuff": [ + "额外能力·短视之惩:处于【至高之姿】状态时,阿格莱雅与衣匠的攻击力提高,提高数值等同于阿格莱雅速度的720%+衣匠速度的360%。", + "属性加成·防御强化:防御力提高5%。", + "属性加成·伤害强化•雷:雷属性伤害提高4.8%。" + ] + }, + "140206": { + "id": "140206", + "name": "攻击", + "max_level": 1, + "element": "Thunder", + "type": "MazeNormal", + "type_text": "dev_连携", + "effect": "MazeAttack", + "effect_text": "", + "simple_desc": "", + "desc": "攻击敌人,进入战斗后削弱敌方目标对应属性韧性。", + "params": [], + "icon": "icon/skill/1402_basic_atk.png" + }, + "140207": { + "id": "140207", + "name": "披星百裂", + "max_level": 1, + "element": "Thunder", + "type": "Maze", + "type_text": "秘技", + "effect": "MazeAttack", + "effect_text": "", + "simple_desc": "召唤忆灵衣匠并一同向前发起攻击,进入战斗后,恢复能量并对敌方全体造成少量雷属性伤害,随后使敌方随机目标陷入【间隙织线】状态。", + "desc": "召唤忆灵衣匠并一同向前发起攻击,进入战斗后,恢复30点能量,并对敌方全体目标造成等同于阿格莱雅100%攻击力的雷属性伤害,随后使敌方随机目标陷入【间隙织线】状态。", + "params": [ + [ + 1, + 30 + ] + ], + "icon": "icon/skill/1402_technique.png", + "AttributeBuff": [ + "属性加成·伤害强化•雷:雷属性伤害提高3.2%。", + "属性加成·暴击率强化:暴击率提高2.7%。", + "属性加成·伤害强化•雷:雷属性伤害提高3.2%。", + "额外能力·飞驰之阳:战斗开始时,若自身能量不足50%,恢复自身能量至50%。", + "属性加成·防御强化:防御力提高7.5%。", + "属性加成·暴击率强化:暴击率提高5.3%。", + "属性加成·伤害强化•雷:雷属性伤害提高6.4。" + ] + }, + "140208": { + "id": "140208", + "name": "孤锋千吻", + "max_level": 9, + "element": "Thunder", + "type": "Normal", + "type_text": "普攻", + "effect": "Blast", + "effect_text": "扩散", + "simple_desc": "阿格莱雅与衣匠向目标发起连携攻击,对敌方单体造成雷属性伤害,对相邻目标造成少量雷属性伤害。", + "desc": "阿格莱雅与衣匠向目标发起连携攻击,对目标分别造成等同于阿格莱雅100%/120%/140%/160%/180%/2%/220%/240%/260%攻击力以及衣匠100%/120%/140%/160%/180%/2%/220%/240%/260%攻击力的雷属性伤害,并对相邻目标分别造成等同于阿格莱雅45%/54%/63%/72%/81%/90%/99%/108%/117%/56%攻击力以及衣匠45%/54%/63%/72%/81%/90%/99%/108%/117%/56%攻击力的雷属性伤害。\n【孤锋千吻】无法恢复战技点。", + "params": [ + [ + 1, + 0.45, + 1, + 0.45 + ], + [ + 1.2, + 0.54, + 1.2, + 0.54 + ], + [ + 1.4, + 0.63, + 1.4, + 0.63 + ], + [ + 1.6, + 0.72, + 1.6, + 0.72 + ], + [ + 1.8, + 0.81, + 1.8, + 0.81 + ], + [ + 2, + 0.9, + 2, + 0.9 + ], + [ + 2.2, + 0.99, + 2.2, + 0.99 + ], + [ + 2.4, + 1.08, + 2.4, + 1.08 + ], + [ + 2.6, + 1.17, + 2.6, + 1.17 + ], + [ + 1.4, + 0.56, + 1.4, + 0.56 + ], + [ + 1.4, + 0.56, + 1.4, + 0.56 + ], + [ + 1.4, + 0.56, + 1.4, + 0.56 + ], + [ + 1.4, + 0.56, + 1.4, + 0.56 + ], + [ + 1.4, + 0.56, + 1.4, + 0.56 + ], + [ + 1.4, + 0.56, + 1.4, + 0.56 + ] + ], + "icon": "icon/skill/1402_basic_atk.png" + }, + "140209": { + "id": "140209", + "name": "高举吧,升华的名讳", + "max_level": 15, + "element": "", + "type": "BPSkill", + "type_text": "战技", + "effect": "Restore", + "effect_text": "回复", + "simple_desc": "为衣匠回复生命值。衣匠不在场时,召唤忆灵衣匠并使自身立即行动。", + "desc": "", + "params": [ + [ + 0.25 + ], + [ + 0.275 + ], + [ + 0.3 + ], + [ + 0.325 + ], + [ + 0.35 + ], + [ + 0.375 + ], + [ + 0.4062 + ], + [ + 0.4375 + ], + [ + 0.4688 + ], + [ + 0.5 + ], + [ + 0.525 + ], + [ + 0.55 + ], + [ + 0.575 + ], + [ + 0.6 + ], + [ + 0.625 + ] + ], + "icon": "icon/skill/1402_skill.png" + } + }, + "skill_tree": { + "1402001": { + "id": "1402001", + "name": "", + "max_level": 6, + "desc": "", + "params": [], + "anchor": "Point01", + "pre_points": [], + "level_up_skills": [ + { + "id": "140201", + "num": 1 + }, + { + "id": "140208", + "num": 1 + } + ], + "levels": [ + { + "promotion": 0, + "level": 0, + "properties": [], + "materials": [] + }, + { + "promotion": 2, + "level": 0, + "properties": [], + "materials": [ + { + "id": "2", + "num": 3500 + }, + { + "id": "110251", + "num": 2 + }, + { + "id": "115001", + "num": 4 + } + ] + }, + { + "promotion": 3, + "level": 0, + "properties": [], + "materials": [ + { + "id": "2", + "num": 7000 + }, + { + "id": "110252", + "num": 2 + }, + { + "id": "115002", + "num": 2 + } + ] + }, + { + "promotion": 4, + "level": 0, + "properties": [], + "materials": [ + { + "id": "2", + "num": 16000 + }, + { + "id": "110252", + "num": 4 + }, + { + "id": "115002", + "num": 3 + } + ] + }, + { + "promotion": 5, + "level": 0, + "properties": [], + "materials": [ + { + "id": "2", + "num": 35000 + }, + { + "id": "110253", + "num": 2 + }, + { + "id": "115003", + "num": 2 + } + ] + }, + { + "promotion": 6, + "level": 0, + "properties": [], + "materials": [ + { + "id": "2", + "num": 140000 + }, + { + "id": "110253", + "num": 6 + }, + { + "id": "115003", + "num": 2 + } + ] + } + ], + "icon": "icon/skill/1402_basic_atk.png" + }, + "1402002": { + "id": "1402002", + "name": "", + "max_level": 10, + "desc": "", + "params": [], + "anchor": "Point02", + "pre_points": [], + "level_up_skills": [ + { + "id": "140202", + "num": 1 + }, + { + "id": "140209", + "num": 1 + } + ], + "levels": [ + { + "promotion": 0, + "level": 0, + "properties": [], + "materials": [] + }, + { + "promotion": 1, + "level": 0, + "properties": [], + "materials": [ + { + "id": "2", + "num": 2500 + }, + { + "id": "115001", + "num": 3 + } + ] + }, + { + "promotion": 2, + "level": 0, + "properties": [], + "materials": [ + { + "id": "2", + "num": 3500 + }, + { + "id": "110251", + "num": 2 + }, + { + "id": "115001", + "num": 4 + } + ] + }, + { + "promotion": 3, + "level": 0, + "properties": [], + "materials": [ + { + "id": "2", + "num": 7000 + }, + { + "id": "110252", + "num": 2 + }, + { + "id": "115002", + "num": 2 + } + ] + }, + { + "promotion": 4, + "level": 0, + "properties": [], + "materials": [ + { + "id": "2", + "num": 16000 + }, + { + "id": "110252", + "num": 4 + }, + { + "id": "115002", + "num": 3 + } + ] + }, + { + "promotion": 4, + "level": 0, + "properties": [], + "materials": [ + { + "id": "2", + "num": 25000 + }, + { + "id": "110252", + "num": 6 + }, + { + "id": "115002", + "num": 6 + } + ] + }, + { + "promotion": 5, + "level": 0, + "properties": [], + "materials": [ + { + "id": "2", + "num": 35000 + }, + { + "id": "110253", + "num": 2 + }, + { + "id": "115003", + "num": 2 + } + ] + }, + { + "promotion": 5, + "level": 0, + "properties": [], + "materials": [ + { + "id": "2", + "num": 70000 + }, + { + "id": "110253", + "num": 5 + }, + { + "id": "110506", + "num": 1 + }, + { + "id": "115003", + "num": 4 + } + ] + }, + { + "promotion": 6, + "level": 0, + "properties": [], + "materials": [ + { + "id": "2", + "num": 140000 + }, + { + "id": "110253", + "num": 6 + }, + { + "id": "241", + "num": 1 + }, + { + "id": "110506", + "num": 1 + } + ] + }, + { + "promotion": 6, + "level": 0, + "properties": [], + "materials": [ + { + "id": "2", + "num": 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"《葡萄树和山羊》", + "type": "Usable", + "sub_type": "MusicAlbum", + "rarity": 3, + "icon": "icon/item/210001.png", + "come_from": [] + }, + "210385": { + "id": "210385", + "name": "《被践踏的蛇》", + "type": "Usable", + "sub_type": "MusicAlbum", + "rarity": 3, + "icon": "icon/item/210001.png", + "come_from": [] + }, + "210386": { + "id": "210386", + "name": "《活火》", + "type": "Usable", + "sub_type": "MusicAlbum", + "rarity": 3, + "icon": "icon/item/210001.png", + "come_from": [] + }, + "210387": { + "id": "210387", + "name": "《伐神》", + "type": "Usable", + "sub_type": "MusicAlbum", + "rarity": 3, + "icon": "icon/item/210001.png", + "come_from": [] + }, "220000": { "id": "220000", "name": "语言的艺术", @@ -16740,6 +18046,26 @@ "「宇宙家装指南」活动后获得的手机壁纸" ] }, + "221009": { + "id": "221009", + "name": "于美味沉溺", + "type": "Usable", + "sub_type": "PhoneTheme", + "rarity": 4, + "icon": "icon/item/221009.png", + "come_from": [] + }, + "221010": { + "id": "221010", + "name": "黎明将至", + "type": "Usable", + "sub_type": "PhoneTheme", + "rarity": 4, + "icon": "icon/item/221010.png", + "come_from": [ + "「盆中潮汐」等级奖励获得的手机壁纸" + ] + }, "222000": { "id": "222000", "name": "梦境护照", @@ -21407,6 +22733,24 @@ "icon": "icon/item/300011.png", "come_from": [] }, + "300012": { + "id": "300012", + "name": "星海宝藏", + "type": "Usable", + "sub_type": "ForceOpitonalGift", + "rarity": 4, + "icon": "icon/item/300011.png", + "come_from": [] + }, + "300019": { + "id": "300019", + "name": "忆持光匣", + "type": "Usable", + "sub_type": "ForceOpitonalGift", + "rarity": 4, + "icon": "icon/item/300020.png", + "come_from": [] + }, "300020": { "id": "300020", "name": "忆持光匣", @@ -21479,6 +22823,15 @@ "icon": "icon/item/300054.png", "come_from": [] }, + "300055": { + "id": "300055", + "name": "星球特产箱", + "type": "Usable", + "sub_type": "Gift", + "rarity": 3, + "icon": "icon/item/300041.png", + "come_from": [] + }, "300101": { "id": "300101", "name": "列车补给凭证", @@ -21542,6 +22895,15 @@ "icon": "icon/item/2.png", "come_from": [] }, + "300210": { + "id": "300210", + "name": "记载预言的金织-「命运重渊」", + "type": "Usable", + "sub_type": "Gift", + "rarity": 3, + "icon": "icon/item/190017.png", + "come_from": [] + }, "309001": { "id": "309001", "name": "旅程之遇:「以太战线」", @@ -21587,6 +22949,15 @@ "icon": "icon/item/309001.png", "come_from": [] }, + "309006": { + "id": "309006", + "name": "旅程之遇:「地宫迷踪」", + "type": "Usable", + "sub_type": "ForceOpitonalGift", + "rarity": 4, + "icon": "icon/item/309001.png", + "come_from": [] + }, "309007": { "id": "309007", "name": "旅程之遇:「宇宙家装指南」", @@ -21695,6 +23066,24 @@ "icon": "icon/item/310011.png", "come_from": [] }, + "311000": { + "id": "311000", + "name": "大黑塔•战略支援协议", + "type": "Usable", + "sub_type": "ForceOpitonalGift", + "rarity": 5, + "icon": "icon/item/311000.png", + "come_from": [] + }, + "311001": { + "id": "311001", + "name": "大黑塔•战略合作协议", + "type": "Usable", + "sub_type": "ForceOpitonalGift", + "rarity": 5, + "icon": "icon/item/311001.png", + "come_from": [] + }, "400004": { "id": "400004", "name": "果腹粮食", @@ -21753,6 +23142,18 @@ "「万能合成机」" ] }, + "400009": { + "id": "400009", + "name": "红土饲料", + "type": "Usable", + "sub_type": "Food", + "rarity": 1, + "icon": "icon/item/140544.png", + "come_from": [ + "「万能合成机」", + "大地兽商队(流动商人)" + ] + }, "401003": { "id": "401003", "name": "大宇宙炒饭", @@ -22074,6 +23475,42 @@ "「万能合成机」" ] }, + "401031": { + "id": "401031", + "name": "黄金蜜饼", + "type": "Usable", + "sub_type": "Food", + "rarity": 2, + "icon": "icon/item/401031.png", + "come_from": [ + "「万能合成机」", + "云石餐厅" + ] + }, + "401032": { + "id": "401032", + "name": "粗制秘酿", + "type": "Usable", + "sub_type": "Food", + "rarity": 2, + "icon": "icon/item/401032.png", + "come_from": [ + "「万能合成机」", + "云石餐厅" + ] + }, + "401033": { + "id": "401033", + "name": "垂语果干", + "type": "Usable", + "sub_type": "Food", + "rarity": 2, + "icon": "icon/item/401033.png", + "come_from": [ + "「万能合成机」", + "云石餐厅" + ] + }, "402001": { "id": "402001", "name": "愈合喷剂", @@ -22389,6 +23826,17 @@ "梦境贩售店" ] }, + "402029": { + "id": "402029", + "name": "《星穹列车》游戏光碟", + "type": "Usable", + "sub_type": "Food", + "rarity": 3, + "icon": "icon/item/402029.png", + "come_from": [ + "「万能合成机」" + ] + }, "402030": { "id": "402030", "name": "花火脊髓剑", @@ -22400,6 +23848,41 @@ "「万能合成机」" ] }, + "402031": { + "id": "402031", + "name": "烈焰椒椒酱", + "type": "Usable", + "sub_type": "Food", + "rarity": 3, + "icon": "icon/item/402031.png", + "come_from": [ + "「万能合成机」" + ] + }, + "402032": { + "id": "402032", + "name": "大地兽肉排", + "type": "Usable", + "sub_type": "Food", + "rarity": 3, + "icon": "icon/item/402032.png", + "come_from": [ + "「万能合成机」", + "云石餐厅" + ] + }, + "402033": { + "id": "402033", + "name": "悬锋盾牌", + "type": "Usable", + "sub_type": "Food", + "rarity": 3, + "icon": "icon/item/402033.png", + "come_from": [ + "「万能合成机」", + "哈托努斯铁匠铺" + ] + }, "403001": { "id": "403001", "name": "一次性动力臂", @@ -22537,6 +24020,18 @@ "「万能合成机」" ] }, + "403013": { + "id": "403013", + "name": "天帷包裹", + "type": "Usable", + "sub_type": "Food", + 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"icon/item/404001.png", + "come_from": [] + }, "406001": { "id": "406001", "name": "配方:愈合喷剂", @@ -23086,6 +24617,15 @@ "icon": "icon/item/404001.png", "come_from": [] }, + "406029": { + "id": "406029", + "name": "配方:《星穹列车》游戏光碟", + "type": "Usable", + "sub_type": "Formula", + "rarity": 3, + "icon": "icon/item/402629.png", + "come_from": [] + }, "406030": { "id": "406030", "name": "配方:花火脊髓剑", @@ -23095,6 +24635,33 @@ "icon": "icon/item/404001.png", "come_from": [] }, + "406031": { + "id": "406031", + "name": "配方:烈焰椒椒酱", + "type": "Usable", + "sub_type": "Formula", + "rarity": 3, + "icon": "icon/item/406023.png", + "come_from": [] + }, + "406032": { + "id": "406032", + "name": "配方:大地兽肉排", + "type": "Usable", + "sub_type": "Formula", + "rarity": 3, + "icon": "icon/item/404001.png", + "come_from": [] + }, + "406033": { + "id": "406033", + "name": "配方:悬锋盾牌", + "type": "Usable", + "sub_type": "Formula", + "rarity": 3, + "icon": "icon/item/404001.png", + "come_from": [] + }, "407001": { "id": "407001", "name": "配方:一次性动力臂", @@ -23203,6 +24770,15 @@ "icon": "icon/item/404001.png", "come_from": [] }, + "407013": { + "id": "407013", + "name": "配方:天帷包裹", + "type": "Usable", + "sub_type": "Formula", + "rarity": 4, + "icon": "icon/item/404001.png", + "come_from": [] + }, "408001": { "id": "408001", "name": "垃圾", @@ -23745,6 +25321,50 @@ "恰丽卡" ] }, + "408437": { + "id": "408437", + "name": "钢爪匕首", + "type": "Usable", + "sub_type": "Food", + "rarity": 2, + "icon": "icon/item/408437.png", + "come_from": [ + "哈托努斯铁匠铺" + ] + }, + "408438": { + "id": "408438", + "name": "黄金裔陶罐", + "type": "Usable", + "sub_type": "Food", + "rarity": 2, + "icon": "icon/item/408438.png", + "come_from": [ + "岁月遗珍" + ] + }, + "408439": { + "id": "408439", + "name": "欧洛尼斯石板", + "type": "Usable", + "sub_type": "Food", + "rarity": 2, + "icon": "icon/item/408439.png", + "come_from": [ + "岁月遗珍" + ] + }, + "408440": { + "id": "408440", + "name": "大地晶矿", + "type": "Usable", + "sub_type": "Food", + "rarity": 2, + 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+ ] + }, + "408904": { + "id": "408904", + "name": "富翁留梦", + "type": "Usable", + "sub_type": "FindChest", + "rarity": 5, + "icon": "icon/item/408904.png", + "come_from": [ + "「钟表小子雕像」等级奖励获得" + ] + }, + "408905": { + "id": "408905", + "name": "瞒天落目", + "type": "Usable", + "sub_type": "FindChest", + "rarity": 5, + "icon": "icon/item/408905.png", + "come_from": [ + "「潮汐的馈赠」等级奖励获得" + ] } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/sr/weapon/data.json b/resources/sr/weapon/data.json index c158636..8cd28d6 100644 --- a/resources/sr/weapon/data.json +++ b/resources/sr/weapon/data.json @@ -17113,6 +17113,741 @@ "characteristic": "提速,击破弱点回能", "skill": "学院式剪接" }, + "21050": { + "id": "21050", + "name": "胜利只在朝夕间", + "rarity": 4, + "path": "Memory", + "desc": "泰坦眷属磅礴的战吼席卷战场,两道电光般的身影在其中拼杀出一条血路。\n「我一个人便能把它们都收拾了。」\n战士每一次出拳,蔓延的血刺贯穿敌人的身体。\n「蛮力罢了,看我的剑!」\n银白的剑甩出漂亮的弧度,怪物如落叶飘零。\n「比比速度么?」\n两人同时朝对面攻去——\n哀嚎声传来,那背后偷袭的怪物即刻殒命。\n两道声音撞在一起——\n「是我给了它最后一击!」", + "icon": "icon/light_cone/21050.png", + "preview": "image/light_cone_preview/21050.png", + "portrait": "image/light_cone_portrait/21050.png", + "type": "记忆", + "star": 4, + "names": [ + "胜利", + "朝夕" + ], + "suitRole": [], + "belongRole": [], + "values": [ + { + "hp": { + "base": 38.4, + "step": 5.76 + }, + "atk": { + "base": 21.6, + "step": 3.24 + }, + "def": { + "base": 18, + "step": 2.7 + } + }, + { + "hp": { + "base": 84.48, + "step": 5.76 + }, + "atk": { + "base": 47.52, + "step": 3.24 + }, + "def": { + "base": 39.6, + "step": 2.7 + } + }, + { + "hp": { + "base": 145.92, + "step": 5.76 + }, + "atk": { + "base": 82.08, + "step": 3.24 + }, + "def": { + "base": 68.4, + "step": 2.7 + } + }, + { + "hp": { + "base": 207.36, + "step": 5.76 + }, + "atk": { + "base": 116.64, + "step": 3.24 + }, + "def": { + "base": 97.2, + "step": 2.7 + } + }, + { + "hp": { + "base": 268.8, + "step": 5.76 + }, + "atk": { + "base": 151.2, + "step": 3.24 + }, + "def": { + "base": 126, + "step": 2.7 + } + }, + { + "hp": { + "base": 330.24, + "step": 5.76 + }, + "atk": { + "base": 185.76, + "step": 3.24 + }, + "def": { + "base": 154.8, + "step": 2.7 + } + }, + { + "hp": { + "base": 391.68, + "step": 5.76 + }, + "atk": { + "base": 220.32, + "step": 3.24 + }, + "def": { + "base": 183.6, + "step": 2.7 + } + } + ], + "fullValues": { + "hp": { + "base": "846.72", + "stop": 5.76 + }, + "atk": { + "base": "476.28", + "stop": 3.24 + }, + "def": { + "base": "396.90", + "stop": 2.7 + } + }, + "attribute": "使装备者的暴击伤害提高12%/15%/18%/21%/24%,当装备者的忆灵对我方目标施放技能时,使我方全体目标造成的伤害提高8%/10%/12%/14%/16%,持续3回合。", + "material": [ + [ + { + "id": "2", + "num": 4000 + }, + { + "id": "111011", + "num": 5 + } + ], + [ + { + "id": "2", + "num": 8000 + }, + { + "id": "110251", + "num": 3 + }, + { + "id": "111011", + "num": 10 + } + ], + [ + { + "id": "2", + "num": 16000 + }, + { + "id": "110252", + "num": 3 + }, + { + "id": "111012", + "num": 6 + } + ], + [ + { + "id": "2", + "num": 40000 + }, + { + "id": "110252", + "num": 6 + }, + { + "id": "111012", + "num": 9 + } + ], + [ + { + "id": "2", + "num": 80000 + }, + { + "id": "110253", + "num": 4 + }, + { + "id": "111013", + "num": 5 + } + ], + [ + { + "id": "2", + "num": 160000 + }, + { + "id": "110253", + "num": 8 + }, + { + "id": "111013", + "num": 7 + } + ], + [] + ], + "params": [ + [ + 0.12, + 0.08, + 3 + ], + [ + 0.15, + 0.1, + 3 + ], + [ + 0.18, + 0.12, + 3 + ], + [ + 0.21, + 0.14, + 3 + ], + [ + 0.24, + 0.16, + 3 + ] + ], + "access": "兑换", + "characteristic": "提高爆伤和伤害", + "skill": "最后一击" + }, + "21051": { + "id": "21051", + "name": "天才们的问候", + "rarity": 4, + "path": "Memory", + "desc": "「恭喜恭喜,实验又失败了吧?」\n「……」\n「我早说了,你的方法有纰漏。」\n「……」\n「告诉你,我最近可有重大突破~」\n清冷的女士从书中抬起头来——\n「不好意思,你说什么?」\n她摆摆手。\n「说不上有多了不起,也就能影响大半个银河吧。」\n女士合起书页。\n「不妨说来听听。」\n「哼,我这般天才的智慧…可不是随随便便就能听到的……」\n「懂。我新做了些糕点,不如边吃边谈。」", + "icon": "icon/light_cone/21051.png", + "preview": "image/light_cone_preview/21051.png", + "portrait": "image/light_cone_portrait/21051.png", + "type": "记忆", + "star": 4, + "names": [ + "问候", + "天才的问候" + ], + "suitRole": [], + "belongRole": [], + "values": [ + { + "hp": { + "base": 43.2, + "step": 6.48 + }, + "atk": { + "base": 21.6, + "step": 3.24 + }, + "def": { + "base": 15, + "step": 2.25 + } + }, + { + "hp": { + "base": 95.04, + "step": 6.48 + }, + "atk": { + "base": 47.52, + "step": 3.24 + }, + "def": { + "base": 33, + "step": 2.25 + } + }, + { + "hp": { + "base": 164.16, + "step": 6.48 + }, + "atk": { + "base": 82.08, + "step": 3.24 + }, + "def": { + "base": 57, + "step": 2.25 + } + }, + { + "hp": { + "base": 233.28, + "step": 6.48 + }, + "atk": { + "base": 116.64, + "step": 3.24 + }, + "def": { + "base": 81, + "step": 2.25 + } + }, + { + "hp": { + "base": 302.4, + "step": 6.48 + }, + "atk": { + "base": 151.2, + "step": 3.24 + }, + "def": { + "base": 105, + "step": 2.25 + } + }, + { + "hp": { + "base": 371.52, + "step": 6.48 + }, + "atk": { + "base": 185.76, + "step": 3.24 + }, + "def": { + "base": 129, + "step": 2.25 + } + }, + { + "hp": { + "base": 440.64, + "step": 6.48 + }, + "atk": { + "base": 220.32, + "step": 3.24 + }, + "def": { + "base": 153, + "step": 2.25 + } + } + ], + "fullValues": { + "hp": { + "base": "953.56", + "stop": 6.48 + }, + "atk": { + "base": "476.28", + "stop": 3.24 + }, + "def": { + "base": "331.75", + "stop": 2.25 + } + }, + "attribute": "使装备者的攻击力提高16%/20%/24%/28%/32%,装备者施放终结技后,使装备者与忆灵造成的普攻伤害提高20%/25%/30%/35%/40%,持续3回合。", + "material": [ + [ + { + "id": "2", + "num": 4000 + }, + { + "id": "115001", + "num": 5 + } + ], + [ + { + "id": "2", + "num": 8000 + }, + { + "id": "110251", + "num": 3 + }, + { + "id": "115001", + "num": 10 + } + ], + [ + { + "id": "2", + "num": 16000 + }, + { + "id": "110252", + "num": 3 + }, + { + "id": "115002", + "num": 6 + } + ], + [ + { + "id": "2", + "num": 40000 + }, + { + "id": "110252", + "num": 6 + }, + { + "id": "115002", + "num": 9 + } + ], + [ + { + "id": "2", + "num": 80000 + }, + { + "id": "110253", + "num": 4 + }, + { + "id": "115003", + "num": 5 + } + ], + [ + { + "id": "2", + "num": 160000 + }, + { + "id": "110253", + "num": 8 + }, + { + "id": "115003", + "num": 7 + } + ], + [] + ], + "params": [ + [ + 0.16, + 0.2, + 3 + ], + [ + 0.2, + 0.25, + 3 + ], + [ + 0.24, + 0.3, + 3 + ], + [ + 0.28, + 0.35, + 3 + ], + [ + 0.32, + 0.4, + 3 + ] + ], + "access": "常驻", + "characteristic": "提高攻击力和伤害", + "skill": "恭喜" + }, + "21052": { + "id": "21052", + "name": "多流汗,少流泪", + "rarity": 4, + "path": "Memory", + "desc": "沉闷的击打声响彻练功房,随着一记雷霆般的扫踢,沙袋几乎弯折成两段。\n「将军这样练,不怕吃不消么?」一旁的士兵问道。\n她笑着摇摇头,又重新挂上一只新沙袋。\n「这才哪到哪啊!」\n汗滴反射着月光,如晶莹的珍珠滑下,故去将军的提醒蓦地浮现心头——「练时多流汗,战时才能少流泪呐。」", + "icon": "icon/light_cone/21052.png", + "preview": "image/light_cone_preview/21052.png", + "portrait": "image/light_cone_portrait/21052.png", + "type": "记忆", + "star": 4, + "names": [ + "多流汗", + "流汗", + "少流泪", + "流泪" + ], + "suitRole": [], + "belongRole": [], + "values": [ + { + "hp": { + "base": 48, + "step": 7.2 + }, + "atk": { + "base": 24, + "step": 3.6 + }, + "def": { + "base": 9, + "step": 1.35 + } + }, + { + "hp": { + "base": 105.6, + "step": 7.2 + }, + "atk": { + "base": 52.8, + "step": 3.6 + }, + "def": { + "base": 19.8, + "step": 1.35 + } + }, + { + "hp": { + "base": 182.4, + "step": 7.2 + }, + "atk": { + "base": 91.2, + "step": 3.6 + }, + "def": { + "base": 34.2, + "step": 1.35 + } + }, + { + "hp": { + "base": 259.2, + "step": 7.2 + }, + "atk": { + "base": 129.6, + "step": 3.6 + }, + "def": { + "base": 48.6, + "step": 1.35 + } + }, + { + "hp": { + "base": 336, + "step": 7.2 + }, + "atk": { + "base": 168, + "step": 3.6 + }, + "def": { + "base": 63, + "step": 1.35 + } + }, + { + "hp": { + "base": 412.8, + "step": 7.2 + }, + "atk": { + "base": 206.4, + "step": 3.6 + }, + "def": { + "base": 77.4, + "step": 1.35 + } + }, + { + "hp": { + "base": 489.6, + "step": 7.2 + }, + "atk": { + "base": 244.8, + "step": 3.6 + }, + "def": { + "base": 91.8, + "step": 1.35 + } + } + ], + "fullValues": { + "hp": { + "base": "1058.40", + "stop": 7.2 + }, + "atk": { + "base": "529.20", + "stop": 3.6 + }, + "def": { + "base": "198.41", + "stop": 2.74 + } + }, + "attribute": "使装备者的暴击率提高12%/14%/16%/18%/20%,装备者的忆灵在场上时,装备者与忆灵造成的伤害提高24%/27%/30%/33%/36%。", + "material": [ + [ + { + "id": "2", + "num": 4000 + }, + { + "id": "115001", + "num": 5 + } + ], + [ + { + "id": "2", + "num": 8000 + }, + { + "id": "110251", + "num": 3 + }, + { + "id": "115001", + "num": 10 + } + ], + [ + { + "id": "2", + "num": 16000 + }, + { + "id": "110252", + "num": 3 + }, + { + "id": "115002", + "num": 6 + } + ], + [ + { + "id": "2", + "num": 40000 + }, + { + "id": "110252", + "num": 6 + }, + { + "id": "115002", + "num": 9 + } + ], + [ + { + "id": "2", + "num": 80000 + }, + { + "id": "110253", + "num": 4 + }, + { + "id": "115003", + "num": 5 + } + ], + [ + { + "id": "2", + "num": 160000 + }, + { + "id": "110253", + "num": 8 + }, + { + "id": "115003", + "num": 7 + } + ], + [] + ], + "params": [ + [ + 0.12, + 0.24 + ], + [ + 0.14, + 0.27 + ], + [ + 0.16, + 0.3 + ], + [ + 0.18, + 0.33 + ], + [ + 0.2, + 0.36 + ] + ], + "access": "兑换", + "characteristic": "提高暴率和伤害", + "skill": "来练!" + }, "22000": { "id": "22000", "name": "新手任务开始前", @@ -27360,6 +28095,525 @@ "characteristic": "提高击破特攻", "skill": "新生" }, + "23036": { + "id": "23036", + "name": "将光阴织成黄金", + "rarity": 5, + "path": "Memory", + "desc": "「这一缕,是战士的牺牲。」\n「这一缕,是英雄的成长。」\n「这一缕,是城邦的繁盛。」\n……\n衣匠牵丝引线,汇聚在她的指尖。\n「一些英雄的轨迹,已然断裂……」\n她挽起另一些金丝,接续缝补。\n「一些英雄的命运,仍要向前延展……」\n被赋予神性的织机兀自运转,衣匠们曼舞翩跹。千年时光在织机上流过,她早已习惯了如此的等待——\n为了那将光阴织成黄金的「灵感」。", + "icon": "icon/light_cone/23036.png", + "preview": "image/light_cone_preview/23036.png", + "portrait": "image/light_cone_portrait/23036.png", + "type": "记忆", + "star": 5, + "names": [ + "光一直阴", + "光阴", + "黄一直金", + "黄金" + ], + "suitRole": [ + "阿格莱雅" + ], + "belongRole": [ + "阿格莱雅" + ], + "values": [ + { + "hp": { + "base": 48, + "step": 7.2 + }, + "atk": { + "base": 28.8, + "step": 4.32 + }, + "def": { + "base": 18, + "step": 2.7 + } + }, + { + "hp": { + "base": 105.6, + "step": 7.2 + }, + "atk": { + "base": 63.36, + "step": 4.32 + }, + "def": { + "base": 39.6, + "step": 2.7 + } + }, + { + "hp": { + "base": 182.4, + "step": 7.2 + }, + "atk": { + "base": 109.44, + "step": 4.32 + }, + "def": { + "base": 68.4, + "step": 2.7 + } + }, + { + "hp": { + "base": 259.2, + "step": 7.2 + }, + "atk": { + "base": 155.52, + "step": 4.32 + }, + "def": { + "base": 97.2, + "step": 2.7 + } + }, + { + "hp": { + "base": 336, + "step": 7.2 + }, + "atk": { + "base": 201.6, + "step": 4.32 + }, + "def": { + "base": 126, + "step": 2.7 + } + }, + { + "hp": { + "base": 412.8, + "step": 7.2 + }, + "atk": { + "base": 247.68, + "step": 4.32 + }, + "def": { + "base": 154.8, + "step": 2.7 + } + }, + { + "hp": { + "base": 489.6, + "step": 7.2 + }, + "atk": { + "base": 293.76, + "step": 4.32 + }, + "def": { + "base": 183.6, + "step": 2.7 + } + } + ], + "fullValues": { + "hp": { + "base": "1058.40", + "stop": 7.2 + }, + "atk": { + "base": "635.04", + "stop": 2.88 + }, + "def": { + "base": "396.9", + "stop": 2.7 + } + }, + "attribute": "使装备者的基础速度提高12/14/16/18/20,装备者和装备者的忆灵在攻击后使装备者获得1层【织锦】,每层【织锦】使装备者和装备者的忆灵暴击伤害提高9%/10.5%/12%/13.5%/15%,最多叠加6层。叠加至上限时,每层【织锦】额外使造成的普攻伤害提高9%/10.5%/12%/13.5%/15%。", + "material": [ + [ + { + "id": "2", + "num": 5000 + }, + { + "id": "115001", + "num": 8 + } + ], + [ + { + "id": "2", + "num": 10000 + }, + { + "id": "110251", + "num": 4 + }, + { + "id": "115001", + "num": 12 + } + ], + [ + { + "id": "2", + "num": 20000 + }, + { + "id": "110252", + "num": 4 + }, + { + "id": "115002", + "num": 8 + } + ], + [ + { + "id": "2", + "num": 50000 + }, + { + "id": "110252", + "num": 8 + }, + { + "id": "115002", + "num": 12 + } + ], + [ + { + "id": "2", + "num": 100000 + }, + { + "id": "110253", + "num": 5 + }, + { + "id": "115003", + "num": 6 + } + ], + [ + { + "id": "2", + "num": 200000 + }, + { + "id": "110253", + "num": 10 + }, + { + "id": "115003", + "num": 8 + } + ], + [] + ], + "params": [ + [ + 12, + 6, + 0.09, + 0.09 + ], + [ + 14, + 6, + 0.105, + 0.105 + ], + [ + 16, + 6, + 0.12, + 0.12 + ], + [ + 18, + 6, + 0.135, + 0.135 + ], + [ + 20, + 6, + 0.15, + 0.15 + ] + ], + "access": "限定", + "characteristic": "提高速度和爆伤", + "skill": "创设" + }, + "23037": { + "id": "23037", + "name": "向着不可追问处", + "rarity": 5, + "path": "Mage", + "desc": "「博识学会的信件处理完毕。」\n「模拟宇宙正常运行中……」\n「著作合集已再版。」\n「嘘,小点声,别吵到了黑塔女士……」\n……银河边境的高塔内,人偶们有条不紊地处理着各项杂事,等待着她的出现。\n时光倏忽而过,数不尽的人物如流星般划过历史的夜空,闪耀一时,终归沉寂。\n「黑塔女士已经很久没露面了……」\n「她还在思考么……」\n「哼,以为得出几个公理就结束了?」\n她伸个懒腰,从演算中抬起头,似乎又有想法浮现——\n「没有什么是不可置疑的,我偏要追问到底!」", + "icon": "icon/light_cone/23037.png", + "preview": "image/light_cone_preview/23037.png", + "portrait": "image/light_cone_portrait/23037.png", + "type": "智识", + "star": 5, + "names": [ + "不可追问", + "追问", + "问一直追", + "追一直问" + ], + "suitRole": [ + "大黑塔" + ], + "belongRole": [ + "大黑塔" + ], + "values": [ + { + "hp": { + "base": 43.2, + "step": 6.48 + }, + "atk": { + "base": 28.8, + "step": 4.32 + }, + "def": { + "base": 21, + "step": 3.15 + } + }, + { + "hp": { + "base": 95.04, + "step": 6.48 + }, + "atk": { + "base": 63.36, + "step": 4.32 + }, + "def": { + "base": 46.2, + "step": 3.15 + } + }, + { + "hp": { + "base": 164.16, + "step": 6.48 + }, + "atk": { + "base": 109.44, + "step": 4.32 + }, + "def": { + "base": 79.8, + "step": 3.15 + } + }, + { + "hp": { + "base": 233.28, + "step": 6.48 + }, + "atk": { + "base": 155.52, + "step": 4.32 + }, + "def": { + "base": 113.4, + "step": 3.15 + } + }, + { + "hp": { + "base": 302.4, + "step": 6.48 + }, + "atk": { + "base": 201.6, + "step": 4.32 + }, + "def": { + "base": 147, + "step": 3.15 + } + }, + { + "hp": { + "base": 371.52, + "step": 6.48 + }, + "atk": { + "base": 247.68, + "step": 4.32 + }, + "def": { + "base": 180.6, + "step": 3.15 + } + }, + { + "hp": { + "base": 440.64, + "step": 6.48 + }, + "atk": { + "base": 293.76, + "step": 4.32 + }, + "def": { + "base": 214.2, + "step": 3.15 + } + } + ], + "fullValues": { + "hp": { + "base": "953.56", + "stop": 6.48 + }, + "atk": { + "base": "635.04", + "stop": 2.88 + }, + "def": { + "base": "463.05", + "stop": 3.15 + } + }, + "attribute": "使装备者的暴击率提高12%/14%/16%/18%/20%。装备者施放终结技时,使装备者造成的战技和终结技伤害提高60%/70%/80%/90%/100%,持续3回合。装备者施放终结技后,若本次终结技消耗的能量大于等于140点,恢复1个战技点。", + "material": [ + [ + { + "id": "2", + "num": 5000 + }, + { + "id": "111001", + "num": 8 + } + ], + [ + { + "id": "2", + "num": 10000 + }, + { + "id": "110201", + "num": 4 + }, + { + "id": "111001", + "num": 12 + } + ], + [ + { + "id": "2", + "num": 20000 + }, + { + "id": "110202", + "num": 4 + }, + { + "id": "111002", + "num": 8 + } + ], + [ + { + "id": "2", + "num": 50000 + }, + { + "id": "110202", + "num": 8 + }, + { + "id": "111002", + "num": 12 + } + ], + [ + { + "id": "2", + "num": 100000 + }, + { + "id": "110203", + "num": 5 + }, + { + "id": "111003", + "num": 6 + } + ], + [ + { + "id": "2", + "num": 200000 + }, + { + "id": "110203", + "num": 10 + }, + { + "id": "111003", + "num": 8 + } + ], + [] + ], + "params": [ + [ + 0.12, + 2, + 140, + 0.6, + 3 + ], + [ + 0.14, + 2, + 140, + 0.7, + 3 + ], + [ + 0.16, + 2, + 140, + 0.8, + 3 + ], + [ + 0.18, + 2, + 140, + 0.9, + 3 + ], + [ + 0.2, + 2, + 140, + 1, + 3 + ] + ], + "access": "限定", + "characteristic": "提高暴率,施放终结技提高伤害", + "skill": "思维游戏" + }, "24000": { "id": "24000", "name": "记一位星神的陨落",